New York – Restaurant owner punished for opening door on a hot day speaks out on ‘Tucker’ – IOTW Report

New York – Restaurant owner punished for opening door on a hot day speaks out on ‘Tucker’

NYC restaurant owner Jacob Green explains why he was given a citation by the city on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’.

5 Comments on New York – Restaurant owner punished for opening door on a hot day speaks out on ‘Tucker’

  1. Absolutely beyond acceptable.

    In a just and fair country……this store owner would have the right to sue this dumb-phuck that ‘works’ for New York along with his supervisors and even their supervisors.

    Make a complete example of these ASSWIPES and this travesty of justice.

  2. First question out of Tucker’s mouth should have been, who did you vote for in the mayoral and gubernatorial elections? This question separates victim from suicidal moron.

  3. The business was targeted because it is Jewish owned. It is part and parcel of De Blasio’s anti-Semitic crack down on Jews using the Kung Flu as pretext to persecute Jews. The Left hates Jews.


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