New York State legislation permits college financial aid for illegal immigrants – IOTW Report

New York State legislation permits college financial aid for illegal immigrants

College Fix-

The former-majority GOP State Senate had thwarted the legislation in past years, but the 2018 election shifted control of the chamber to the Democrats. According to The Buffalo News, the new Democratic leaders aren’t done yet: Illegals may soon be able to obtain state driver’s licenses and take advantage of “new wage and housing protections.”

Governor Cuomo has “embraced” the Dream Act, the News reports, but his office so far is mum on him signing the bill into law.

The bill requires those seeking aid to have attended state high schools for at least two years or graduated from a state high school, and students must have applied to a college within five years after graduation. NY State high school equivalency diploma holders also are eligible, and any aid “will cover awards up to the tuition and fees charged by [state] public colleges.”

GOP lawmakers aren’t happy at all about the bill:

“When we can take care of every American citizen who is here legally and played by the rules … then we can talk about those who are not,” said Senator Rob Ortt, a North Tonawanda Republican.

Instead, Ortt said the Democrats are taking New York on immigration issues down a path that undermines federal law “and the fabric of this country.’’ …


6 Comments on New York State legislation permits college financial aid for illegal immigrants

  1. At some point Trump ought to start the ball by arresting and leading away in cuffs this scofflaw Governor and charging him with failing to follow federal laws (which I suspect, include voting irregularities). Then start sweeping door-to-door in that state for illegals and shipping them out of the country within the week. The pushback will be massive and the process bloody but maybe better now instead of later when the illegals hit 40 or 50 million. Hell, even the low estimates have them at 20 million. It’s insane.


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