New York state wasted virus response resources by panicking – IOTW Report

New York state wasted virus response resources by panicking

Lifezette: Millions of dollars have been spent on equipment and facilities that were not needed.

President Donald Trump has mentioned it more than once. Some states panicked over the coronavirus and that panic led them to ask for resources they did not need and that were never used. New York state is a case in point. Fox News reported the details.

Dr. David Samadi, a New York-based surgeon, said, “[The models] have been extremely inaccurate. These models gave a horrifying prediction that suggested COVID-19 could kill anywhere from 200,000 to 1.7 million Americans. Currently, it looks to be more like 60,000 to 65,000 deaths. While any American life lost to this virus is a shame, the death and infection rate is looking not quite so bleak as it was in the beginning.”

But New York took the worst-case scenario and ran with it instead of letting cooler heads prevail. Examples: “For one, construction firms earned $136 million to quickly erect the Stony Brook field hospital – paid for from the Army Corps of Engineers budget. The original contract with Manhattan-based Turner Construction Co. was for an amount not to exceed $101 million – yet, Newsday reported, ‘…the number was increased on April 8 to an amount not to exceed $136 million once it became clear that more money was needed,’ even with the lack of patients. Still, it has hardly been used, said officials.” read more

8 Comments on New York state wasted virus response resources by panicking

  1. I heard secondhand that Trump said no bailouts for sanctuary states. How about no bailouts for states, period? Any bailout of a state is playing favorites, giving it money taken from the other states. The ‘Great Experiment’ means you get stuck with the consequences.

  2. IF you give NYS any bail out money they’ll just waste it. The lottery money was to go to education and that’s been diverted else where.

  3. This is the offspring of the Baby Boomers’ siblings (and thereafter) who have darkened out a part of American history (in their pshycopathic perception), including younger sisters and brothers of the earlier Baby Boomers and their offspring.

    Have lived and seen it. But, there is hope.

    It’s easier to see when there are 50 (instead of one) united states.

  4. When has panic ever served any constructive purpose?

    Democrats and not a few establishment Republicans wear panic as a badge of honor. The results of electing them as leaders is an effort in futility. They simply are not fit to lead. In fact their very presence compounds any problem.

    And then when you add to it both are totally invested in exploiting any maladies that confront society to advantage themselves, their friends, their family and their close business associates… it becomes apparent that they have no business anywhere near the reins of power.

  5. Daddy married her for her looks, not her brains. The kids pretty much came out halfwits and only by dint of daddy’s efforts wound up in a position to do their moronic imitations of leading positions in our poor moribund society.


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