New York Times Ends Political Cartoons After Antisemitism Scandals – IOTW Report

New York Times Ends Political Cartoons After Antisemitism Scandals

Breitbart: The international edition of the New York Times will no longer feature editorial cartoons. The move to self-censorship follows the uproar sparked by publication of a widely denounced antisemitic caricature of Israeli Prime Minister Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The cartoon, published in April, depicted Netanyahu as a dog wearing a Star of David collar and leading a sightless U.S. President Donald Trump — who was wearing a Jewish skullcap.

The offensive piece was drawn by Portuguese artist António Moreira Antunesas and published during the Passover holiday.

The cartoon prompted an uproar within the Jewish community and sparked protests outside the Times’ office in New York City, with Israel’s ambassador to the U.N. likening it to the content of Nazi propaganda newspaper Der Sturmer.

Blaming its publication on “a production editor who did not recognize its anti-Semitism,” the paper was eventually forced into a backdown: read more

8 Comments on New York Times Ends Political Cartoons After Antisemitism Scandals

  1. …it’s just as well. Liberals have NO sense of humor. And no one ELSE is looking at the NY Fishwrap except maybe some birds that can’t escape it because it’s at the bottom of their cage, and even THEN they’re just deciding what to “white out”…

    …No sense of humor is a symptom of mental illness, and they have proven themselves so very, very ill…

  2. I suspect that they have no problem with publishing it, what their motivation is is that they were stunned that they were called out by such a wide cross section of the American public for having published it. This type of bigotry really doesn’t play well except for on college campuses and in places like Freeattle’s Westlake Center or Protestland’s Chapman Square Park.

  3. @JDHasty June 11, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    > their motivation is is that they were stunned that they were called out by such a wide cross section of the American public for having published it

    How could anyone NOT be offended!? Everyone who’s anyone — and that’s everyone that I know — was offended! Even President Hillary was offended!

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