New York went from demanding Trump send 40,000 ventilators to now giving them away as need decreases – IOTW Report

New York went from demanding Trump send 40,000 ventilators to now giving them away as need decreases


Blaze: New York is giving ventilators away to other states that need them, reflecting how much the state’s coronavirus outbreak has evolved over the past few weeks, and how dramatically data models overestimated the severity of the outbreak.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said this week that the state is giving 100 ventilators to Michigan and 50 to Maryland.

“We’ve stabilized our health care situation. New York had one of the earlier curves. There are other places in this country that are now seeing increases in the death rate,” Cuomo said Wednesday during his daily press briefing.

Trump vs. Cuomo: In late March, Cuomo sounded the alarm that the state would need 30,000 to 40,000 ventilators from the federal government in order to meet the demand of seriously or critically ill COVID-19 patients.

“What am I going to do with 400 ventilators? When I need 30,000,” Cuomo said March 24, after the federal government sent 400 ventilators to New York. “You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators.”

President Donald Trump disagreed with Cuomo’s estimate.

“I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they’re going to need,” Trump said on Fox News on March 26. “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go to major hospitals, sometimes they have two ventilators. Now all of a sudden they’re saying can we order 30,000 ventilators.” read more

17 Comments on New York went from demanding Trump send 40,000 ventilators to now giving them away as need decreases

  1. Demand something impossible knowing the Trump team can’t reach, then complain about it, then when you get excess, give them away to charity and be thanked for it, while Trump is left to defend himself during the whole process.

  2. Well, the ventilator problem seems to have reconciled itself, but how many more people would have died without those emergency field hospitals and a hospital ship?

    And how would we have buried all the dead without mass graves being dug in Central Park?

    Give Cuomo credit where it is due, and in the manner that it should be.

  3. Fucking scumbag. Eat shit and die, and all the rest of you whiny totalitarian governors, mayors, police, lawyers, all the way down to the little commie crossing guard. You all deserve long lives of pain and despair.

    Fuck you.

  4. Governor Edgewise Endlessly Bloviating wants all the credit and none of the blame. It’s always someone else’s fault. If it wasn’t for millions of illegal immigrants flooding into NYC dropping birthright citizens by the multimillions during the last four decades, Governor Edgewise wouldn’t be bloviating now.

    Try and find an Irish or an Italian cab driver in NYC if you doubt my observation.

  5. Was Cuomo trying to run an Art of the Deal around the master? Demand more than you’re willing to settle for?

    Backfired YUGEly. But I’d keep a close tracking system of those vents he’s “distributing”. Going to Dem run states….more likely a few here and there will end up on the black market.

    Au contraire anonymous…. wherever would NY have treated all of 20 patients but for The Mercy?
    How much did that fiasco cost per patient?

  6. What will Cuomo do if/when the covid-19 returns to NYC??? Whine again? Its politics and its feculence, landing right in the middle of this mess and not caring at all.

  7. They’re gonna run this prick as president because he is “so Presidential” throughout this phony crisis…..I’m confident that Trump’s team is well prepared…..

  8. Cost of a ventilator ????
    Media wants ventilators with a 50% rate of coming offf of them.

    Cost of Hydroxychloroquine rumored $25 with high rate of helping recovery.
    The media is opposed to it being widely available.

    Makes sense to me??????

  9. Who says these $20,000+ ventilators are Cuomo’s to give away?
    I’ll bet they belong to the National Stockpile. And should be returned there for future need. If not, they’ll be stolen and sold out the back door like the $200 million in emergency medical gear that California bought in 2006 and discovered “vanished” by 2012.

    The Cuomo Crime Family has more skeletons than even the Chicago Messiah. And PDT surely knows them all. Cuomo is unelectable outside the Tammany Hall state.

    MAGA 2020.

  10. So? We’re all in agreement? President Trump “gifted” America with at least 400 (might be 4,000) more New Yorkers?

    Lemme Google a picture of Joe’s hairy legs. Decisions. Decisions.

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