New York’s Island of the Dead – IOTW Report

New York’s Island of the Dead

From 2014-

A million people are buried in mass graves on Hart Island in New York, but why is it so hard for bereaved families to visit their loved ones?

From April 2018:

Hart Island Erosion Unearths Skeletons.

Hart Island- Corrections Department

Hart Island

The Department of Correction is responsible for operating and maintaining New York City’s public burial ground, which is located on Hart Island, in the Long Island Sound. The department has created a database of Hart Island burial records to help you determine whether someone has been interred on Hart Island, using basic information, such as name, date or location.

Visiting Hart Island

Hart Island is open to the public. There are two types of Hart Island visits: general visits to a gazebo area on the island and burial site visits for family members of those who are buried on the island. Each type of visit takes place once per month and all visitors must be registered before the visit day. Details of each type of visit are included in the Hart Island FAQ. For more information, please call the Hart Island Information Line at 718-546-0911.

19 Comments on New York’s Island of the Dead

  1. Watch this crap you liberal $hit bags
    that want the Gubbmint to take “care”
    of everything in your life including your health…
    The STINKING government can’t even take
    proper care of dead bodies.

  2. I used to bury people for a living. How the hell are they getting away with not using vaults at the very least? I guess they are too expensive… just dig a hole and toss in the tenant in his or her shroud.

    That’s fucked up.

  3. In Michigan its still legal to be buried on your own property. Very few people know of this law and the funeral providers go out of there way to not let you know. It’s all about the profits.

  4. It’s certainly about profit. That place I worked on Mattawoman Beantown Rd. was a disgrace. We’d often dig a grave, that on the plats was spare, just to find another vault square on our hole. WTF? Who is this?

    “We don’t know, try I-37 — it shows spare.”

    “This one was “spare”…”

    “Ground shift.”

    “BULLSHIT! Ground shift will expose a corner, not a fucking square-on vault, you lying scubag.”

  5. These bastards were making millions of dollars and through rampant mismanagement had no idea what was on the plats. And don’t get me started on the woeful condition of our machines. The tractor had no brakes (metal on metal) no clutch (it sat for 4 days stuck in reverse IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BONEYARD)… one scag had the steering levers wired correctly, the other scag steered opposite (talk about shitting your trousers). The place was a shithole, the machines were junk, and the people were like something out of a bad dream.

    I do miss the 72 inch scag… the one that steered right. That thing was a monster. You could cut grass perfectly at 35mph. That’s probably an exaggeration, but the thing would cut perfectly at WOT. Those things can haul ass.

  6. Give a prayer or two for the men and women who aborted their babies willingly or unwillingly and have no clue if their children were ground up in a garbage disposal and sent into the water purification plants, or otherwise. When you think about it, consider how many people turn to alcohol and drugs then, because of abortion. Well over 40% of the population – men bare scars of abortion also.

  7. This is just another potters field people, right off City Island in the Bronx. There is another one on the East River.

    David’s Island is not too far from me, a ten minute drive as a matter of fact I just moved my bro’s girlfriend there. You can see the island from her small little shack.

    A hyped up story and vid about people so poor or deranged that had no one to bury them so the city had to. NYC is NOT the only city or town to have an unmarked or general grave section that is when they are not carted off to the modern day morgue and taken apart these days.

    Article about how DJT wanted to develop, written by a local douche.

    That said leave it alone, the dead.

    I watch an Osprey nest not too far from this island, also in da Bronx

    ‘Ghost’ and BOO to yous.

  8. Government is not concerned about human life
    the bigger government gets the less it cares about human life

    the purpose of government is to perpetuate itself
    the care of human life in anathema to the purpose of government

    human life has no value to government, other than to perceptualize the canard of ‘government by the people’, or ‘sovereignty of mankind’, or the ‘collective’.

    why must we go on & on w/ this?
    why can’t the majority of the human race realize bullshit when they smell it?

  9. I just read a story this morning about an old graveyard (NY?) where one of our more illustrious Founders is buried (and now I can’t remember who). It was written that, according to the count of headstones, there are about 125 people in that graveyard but, according to burial records, there are nearly 120,000 people buried there. If I find the story again I’ll post it here.

  10. Ian (our 7 year old son) and I cleaned up the Arden Cemetery two days ago. The asshats who cut the grass there ran over most of the silk flowers, ran over the crosses, and ran over the toy cars that were left for the wee ones.

    This kind of shit offends me. I am offended, deeply, by this kind of disrespect.

    Two days later we came home (Our home is just past the Arden Cemetery) and there was a family there to pay respects.

    I wept I was so happy. We cleaned it up. Ian and I cleaned it up. I told Ian it was important for us to do this. I think Ian understands that it is important to me. And I hope that it becomes important to him.

  11. @tRuthBuzzie – No…Noooot exactly, and anyone that upped that one.

    Just for clarity, for any other conspiracy nut jobs, you are confusing your stories or places.

    You are referring to a LAND fill in Staten Island.

    Get your NYC and other facts right. Dunce.

    That one post makes you an uniformed asshole.


    So stupid, so poorly managed. They just have a literal exposed grave yard in sight of millions of people.

    Just cremating these people would have been cleaner and humane. But no, just throw them in 3 deep in pine boxes and let future generations find their bones washing down the river.



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