New Zealand Abandons “Zero Covid” Aspirations Because Even They Realize It is an Ignorant Goal – IOTW Report

New Zealand Abandons “Zero Covid” Aspirations Because Even They Realize It is an Ignorant Goal

New Scientist-

Since the start of the pandemic, the country has sought to eliminate the virus by imposing strict lockdown measures in response to any outbreak. The approach was largely successful until August this year, when the arrival of the more infectious delta variant made it more difficult to stamp out transmission. Over 1300 cases have been recorded in the latest outbreak, which began in August.

“With this outbreak and delta, the return to zero is incredibly difficult,” Ardern told a news conference today. “This is a change in approach we were always going to make over time. Our delta outbreak has accelerated this transition. Vaccines will support it,” she said.

Restrictions will start to be lifted on Wednesday in Auckland, the nation’s largest city, which has been in lockdown for almost 50 days. People will be able to leave their homes and meet outdoors in groups of up to 10.

About 2 million people have been fully vaccinated so far, or 48 per cent of the eligible population, which is everyone aged 12 and over. Strict lockdowns will end once 90 per cent of eligible people have been vaccinated, Ardern said.


As more and more of these moronic bureaucrats, and their moronic hybrid sheep/lemmings, learn about what Covid is, what the shot ain’t, who the “dangerous spreaders” are, and how this virus is endemic and will be with us forever, they will slowly lift their idiotic restrictions.

People, like our resident a-hole Covidiot, will look dumber and dumber as time goes on.

6 Comments on New Zealand Abandons “Zero Covid” Aspirations Because Even They Realize It is an Ignorant Goal

  1. COVID finally gave them the excuse to rule all aspects of our lives. I’m afraid as long as the Dems and the RINOS are in power, they’ll never let us be free again.


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