New Zealand approves euthanasia for patients with a disease in which 99.7% survive – IOTW Report

New Zealand approves euthanasia for patients with a disease in which 99.7% survive


Patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 can die by euthanasia if doctors decide they might not survive, the New Zealand government has declared.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that a right to a lethal injection under a new euthanasia law could extend to patients who were either dying from the coronavirus or suffering unbearably from its consequences.

In response to a request for clarity on a euthanasia law which came into force last month, the government declared that “in some circumstances a person with COVID-19 may be eligible for assisted dying”.

The admission that COVID patients were eligible for a lethal jab came after Henoch Kloosterboer, editor of the anti-euthanasia The Defender website, made a request under the Official Information Act – the New Zealand equivalent to the 2000 Freedom of Information Act.

He said the policy left “the door wide open for abuse” of elderly and vulnerable patients – especially if the country’s health service came under pressure from a COVID surge.

Doctors receive a government fee of $1,000 plus expenses for every euthanasia death they perform.

He said: “It would not be hard to envisage a situation in which a speedy and sizeable rise in COVID-19 hospitalisations could result in pressure to utilise euthanasia and assisted suicide as tools to resolve such a serious crisis.”


20 Comments on New Zealand approves euthanasia for patients with a disease in which 99.7% survive

  1. Sweet Meteor Of Death!

    Oh, let’s get a head start and see who wants to go now anyway!

    You? You do?! Yes, you DO!. You. You’re not vaccinated. You’re a problem. You need to die, don’t you? Yes, why, YES! You do! I thought so. Step over here…

  2. Disturbing doesn’t describe this!

    If you buy the “Assisted Suicide” approach in this I’m at a loss for describing your mental abilities.

    WTF has happened to the world we live in and medicine in general. History again shows that DOCTORS started the deal in Germany for Hilter. Struggling to find words and not able to Not Comment, thought I’m found lacking in ability.

  3. Anymouse
    DECEMBER 27, 2021 AT 6:47 PM

    Having seen ‘hospice care’, heavily promoted in doctor’s offices BEFORE COVID actively kill patients with morphine, I have to say that assisted sucide and euthanasia predate Coof by a considerable margin…

  4. The way Australia & Zealand have been behaving, it really makes me want to go over & eat all the Koala Bears & Tasmanian Spotted Owls they have, just to piss the fuckers off!

    With Ketchup to really get them Hopping.

  5. Oregon already has “Death with Dignity Act” so it is quite possible they will include Covid in their scheme. Hopefully, all of those idiots clogging up the ER’s due to fear porn will jettison themselves to Oregon for one last hurrah.

  6. Since being admitted to the hospital with COVID is already almost a sure death sentence, will this change the numbers very much? Plus, they get $20,000 per patient treated with their useless protocol.

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