New Zealand Budget Ditches Climate Change, Prioritizes the Economy – IOTW Report

New Zealand Budget Ditches Climate Change, Prioritizes the Economy


Green New Zealand has disappointed activists, by ditching climate idealism in favour of trying to restart their economy.

New Zealand’s COVID-19 budget delivers on one crisis, but largely leaves climate change for another day

Many had hoped the COVID-19 crisis would be a critical juncturefor climate change policy in New Zealand.

The budget was not this moment. It was about minimising the immediate crisis, with an eye to the forthcoming general election– not a pivot towards a low-emissions economy.

Under the circumstances, the budget’s short-term vision is not surprising. It is even morally necessary. Climate change is ultimately about people’s welfare too – which needs defending in the present as well as the future. MORE

6 Comments on New Zealand Budget Ditches Climate Change, Prioritizes the Economy

  1. If the greenies were truly committed idealists, as I frequently point out, they would commit suicide after arranging for their bodies to be composted and used to fertilize a soy bean field.

    But what they really want is for somebody else to do that as they take selfies and tell their pals how great it is.

  2. Al, and if they ‘had an ounce of gumption’ they would be colonizing Antarctica preparing for Climate Change so they can get all the good spots

  3. New Zealand and Whuflu, the raw data:

    1,149 cases

    1,433 recovered

    21 deaths

    4,822,233 total pop.

    38 – average age

    Deaths per cap .0000004

    Land area – 103,483 mi²

    New Zealand is at the BOTTOM of the list.

    Yes, obviously an island nation, (to protect itself) but still Draconian from the start, ya think?

    Look up who runs that joint…

    Wake up you libs and leftist!


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