New Zealand Music Festival Evacuated Because Someone Claimed Another Attendee Had a ‘Right Wing’ Tattoo – IOTW Report

New Zealand Music Festival Evacuated Because Someone Claimed Another Attendee Had a ‘Right Wing’ Tattoo

Wait’ll I bite a pop tart into the shape of Goldwater.


Approximately 5,000 concertgoers were evacuated from the Homegrown Music Festival in New Zealand because someone thought they saw a “right-wing tattoo” on an attendee.

“Some of the Homegrown crew identified a person that they were concerned about and police made the call that person needed to be found,” Homegrown spokeswoman Kelly Wright told the New Zealand Herald.

The alert happened while bands were changing sets and people were moving around, so the police could not immediately locate the attendee for his tattoo check. Since they couldn’t find him, they evacuated the area.

“A person has been spoken to and the area searched, and as a result Police can confirm there has been no threat to the Homegrown festival or the public,” the police said in a statement. “While the concern in this case appears to have been an innocent misunderstanding, Police would like to remind people to stay vigilant and call 111 if they see anything suspicious.”


28 Comments on New Zealand Music Festival Evacuated Because Someone Claimed Another Attendee Had a ‘Right Wing’ Tattoo

  1. So…….some women get raped in New Zealand and all men should be castrated and have their wee wee’s cut off.
    Seems like the best solution to prevent it from happening again.

  2. Now that they know what works, imagine what the Left will be doing to bust up a party… and of course blame it on White Supremacists! This is so right up their alley it’s quite predictable.

  3. “When asked whether the incident stemmed from a tattoo, Wright said that information was incorrect. Last night police clarified the decision to evacuate was made by police rather than Homegrown staff.”

    Gosh. It wasn’t over a tattoo because the police clarified that it was the police that made the decision to evacuate?

  4. Now I’m gonna HAVE to get a tattoo.

    What exactly IS a right-wing tattoo? A Fender Stratocaster? A Muncie transmission? A depiction of a suicide knob on a 1967 Ford steering wheel? A shovel? Some worn out boots?

    I guess I’m confused.

  5. Oh, I know… a right-wing tattoo would be a pair of Telco gaffs crossed with a pair of L1 pliers. Or, even better, a pair of gaffs and a rotary linesman telephone.

  6. Being such a lovely, peaceful, and law abiding country, we can rest assured the Maori Motorcycle gangs and vicious drug dealers (yeah, they have them) will turn their guns into the local constabulary office after the law shoved through parliament by their PM.

  7. I’m not surprised these are the people that helped our super secret court goblins use American military “intelligence” and the New Zealand military to try and Waco Hollywood’s public enemy number… uh, it’s Hollywood math, there really aren’t any numbers. Loyal American statesmen, with no divided loyalties, whatsoever, are still burning millions of dollars trying to extradite the terrorists (they, allegedly, knew the punks next door were videotaping home games without the express written consent of Major League Baseball… and didn’t stop them… those monsters!), from New Zealand to the Land of the Free and the Secret Police.

    I am surprised that moving five thousand people around New Zealand didn’t tip the place over. Or panic New Zealand statespersons that the place would tip over.

  8. @TRF March 25, 2019 at 7:09 am

    > What exactly IS a right-wing tattoo?

    It’s the ink a trigglypuff has on that sack of flesh, between it’s right shoulder and elbow, that flails in the wind when it’s hangry.


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