News Flash! Pop Psychologist Thinks Trumps A Liar – IOTW Report

News Flash! Pop Psychologist Thinks Trumps A Liar

This is Bella Depaulo. According to her bio in Psychology Today, she’s a Harvard trained social psychologist who has a number of books out there on being single (she loves it), and one on deception.

I post this because Dr. Depaulo has concluded in a recent opinion piece for the Washington Post that (prepare yourself) Donald Trump is a liar. Of course she’s never met the man. She’s only seen him on TV, while sitting at home, alone, in an empty house, with no one to tell her not to embarrass herself or her profession by writing this tripe.



30 Comments on News Flash! Pop Psychologist Thinks Trumps A Liar

  1. I, too, have become convinced that Donald Trump is a liar. Sorry, guys, but I have undergone a thorough scientific analysis and have come to that conclusion.

    What is my analysis? Well, I read only the headlines of major mainstream newspapers and websites like NY Times, ABC, CNN, Puffington Host, etc. As you can see my work is pretty thorough, and my conclusion inescapable.


  2. A “social psychologist” — ooooooo! A two-fer!

    She’ll probably get her own tee vee show, now.

    (She should see someone trained in tweezing eyebrows. And she should be pictured holding two cats with a third draped around her shoulders.)

  3. Whenever you see the title Psychologist, Psychiatrist or social worker just substitute the words “Snake Oil Salesman” or “Witch Doctor” or “Diabolist” or “Crazy as a Loon” and you are right on target!

  4. When Obama lied it was considered that he “evolved”.

    It’s funny to go on Google and search for anything bad about Obama. They bend backwards to post only positive things about him.

  5. Let’s see: The last ten years of Obama and his associates dishonesty, deception, obfuscation, and payment of millions to hide the truth, flew right over her head. Didn’t pick up anything unusual about the Clinton’s and their friends. And she wants us to believe she is capable of spotting a liar? Only bull shitter I spotted was her.

  6. Iv’e had a lot of Psychologist clients {landscape), and they had two things in common.
    1 : They were always up in other peoples business, ensted of Living their own Lives.
    2: They needed my help to guide them to what they Wanted, they didn’t know what they themselves needed !

  7. Yeah, like she had a choice about being single. In any event a lot of these academics are coming from Universities that are fast losing their aura of deep learning thanks to the antics of the SJW’s and teachers and administrators who folded to every demand however insane. Academics publishing out of these halls are taken less seriously every day and so are the students as they are about to find out.

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