News of Cruz’s Demise a Bit Premature – IOTW Report

News of Cruz’s Demise a Bit Premature

Everywhere you turn you see people ready to throw the towel in on Cruz. This primary is far from over. 

AP- Despite Donald Trump’s string of victories on Tuesday, he has to do better in upcoming contests to claim the Republican nomination for president before the party’s national convention this summer, an AP delegate count shows.

Going forward, Trump would have to win 52 percent of the remaining delegates to claim the nomination. That’s doable but difficult with three or more candidates claiming delegates.

On Tuesday, Cruz muted Trump’s delegate gains by winning delegate-rich Texas, which is Cruz’s home state.

The delegate math shows the importance of the March 15 primaries in Florida and Ohio, in which the statewide winner gets all the delegates. Winning those states could boost Trump to a commanding lead in the delegate count, but Florida is Rubio’s home state and Ohio is home for John Kasich, the state’s governor.



36 Comments on News of Cruz’s Demise a Bit Premature

  1. That is why Lindsay Graham told Republican voters to rally around Cruz. Graham and the Establishment (everyone who wants to maintain the status quo in this country) know that Rubio cannot win Florida outright, so the only way to keep him in the race is to water down Trump’s delegate count. Kasich is not enough to do that.

    Once again, this post is not about Cruz attaining delegates, but it is about Trump not attaining them. Where does that leave us? It means that Cruz can and is being used by the Establishment to force Trump into a no-win delegate count at the same time doing exactly the same thing to Cruz. And “closed primaries” will have zip to do with it.

    It is simple math when you look at the outcome of every faction of the Establishment, be it All The King’s Horses (the congress), All The King’s Men (the media) and the Fury of Satan (the Progressive Left), arrayed at Trump — who has been impervious to it all with the help of Americans who want him — that the only way the Establishment can beat Trump is to use Cruz to split the delegates. And when the primaries are over, Cruz, whose D.C. address is 404 Russell Senate Office Building, will pull in behind Rubio at the appropriate time in exchange for keeping his job and maybe they’ll reward him with some future high-profile committee gig or something.

    Come November of this year, you won’t be holding your nose or crossing over to Hillary Clinton because Trump will not be on the ballot and neither will Cruz. It will be Rubio or

  2. Correct Czar. Especially the Panhandle.
    What would be terrific is if scRubio loses Meeamee.
    Yeb!’s former communication director, Tim Miller, was on CNN with Cuomo this morning trashing Trump. But he wouldn’t say if Yeb would be helping scRubio’s campaign.

  3. I have spoken to family in Florida as well and have been told that Rubushio will lose Florida and that he would not like likely have even won re-election to the Senate. He apparently squandered his rising star among Floridians. Something that is not being talked about.

    It is a fact that Rubushio is the least distinguishable from Hitlery and therefore the one the demons want to , and know, they can run against and demolish the most. The RINOS are in lock step with that reality. The idea is to douse the belief among anti leftist, anti demon, anti status quo voters that your vote will not make a big difference to anyone except the power holders. They get to wrestle for reigning control and we get shit either way.

    On the other hand, where a clear distinction and definitive vision is offered there will be reason to go and vote. Trump and Cruz are the only two that are 180 degrees opposite. No wishy washy confusion.

  4. pageoturner,
    A few weeks ago two Hispanic folks struck up conversations with me in Brownsville. One said he was a lifelong democrat, both are excited about getting to vote for Trump in the general and hate Obozo.

    The people at the border are the ONLY ones who actually know how bad things are there and in MX, the media chokes out the bad news by the time it get to Austin.

  5. pageoturner — That is no surprise, the people living on the border are the “unprotected” — Americans who have to live the life created by the protected establishment of the gov’t and media. I borrow the example of Edwardian England in which we are the ones ‘living below stairs.’

  6. “So, Big Fur Hat, you are more interested in defeating Hiliary than you are in electing a conservative. I get it. It is a noble cause.
    I am more interested in electing a conservative.”
    – Menderman

    THIS is the faulty logic that has to be addressed to win.

    Oh yeah…the operative part? TO WIN.

    It’s nice to wish for something.
    Getting it is another.
    If you don’t care whether you win or lose, and only that you maintain your “values,” that’s fine.

    But BE HONEST: that’s not noble,
    it’s both

    What kind of “conservative” do you get if your in/actions make it easier for Clinton to win?

    But, if you’ve been satisfied with your “values” and how our Government has represented [sic] them over the past 8 years, you’ll be glad to live with those values another 4.

    FAULTY LOGIC is the most generous term I can up for that.

  7. Here’s the kind of “true, principled Conservative” promoting Cruz:

    “Erick was on Mark Reardon’s show on Tuesday. He made the statement that only evangelicals who don’t go to church much, are supporting Trump.
    Those who go to church regularly, are all-in for Cruz.
    Several in the car with me-we all heard him say it, and agreed he was clearly saying there is a difference between legitimate evangelical believers whose faith compels them to vote for Cruz–
    and the fakers who aren’t Christian, and support Trump.”

  8. The open primaries gave us McCain. He won Zero closed states.
    The open primaries gave us Romney.
    The open primaries appear to be saddling us with Trump.
    Wouldn’t it be nice if Republicans could decide who our guy is rather than Democrats?

  9. Hmm,

    “Evangelicals who go to church every week don’t support Trump.”


    ““Voting for these people, voting against Donald Trump at this point, is really treason to your heritage,”

    Well that’s interesting, one can be used to bash a candidate, but the other is forbidden to even be considered.

    Just working out what the ground rules are for campaigns this season……


  10. As for Florida voting wholesale for Trump, I believe it might be the circles folks are moving in that give some many Trump supporters here the idea that he has it locked up.

    Being a “natural-born” Floridian I know a few folks down there and most have already decided on Cruz with the few others not decided as yet.

    Seems many down near Trump’s stomping grounds are not backing him and much of the Cuban community is backing Cruz. I can’t wait to see the results and see which group is bigger.

  11. Feel like I am living in some weird parallel universe–last night the post election coverage on MSNBC was actually factual, Rachel Maddow was making sound reasoned comments about the Republican race. On Fox, Kelly was giggling about Viagra when she wasn’t dominating every conversation and completing everyones sentences. The clearcut people’s favorite, Trump , who is the first candidate in decades to reignite inert voters, possibly steal minority voters from the enemy, and who has self-funded and is beholden to none– instead of rallying around him the members of his OWN PARTY, and the self professed media/blogger/pundit conservatives are attacking him from every angle with falsehoods, untruths and fabrications that are straight from the progressive playbook of dirty tricks. Seems like everyone but the American voter sick of DC is attacking Trump- everyone I thought had the interest of this country at heart is exposed as only having self-interest. I am sickened and disheartened by the revelation that many I respected were greedy lying frauds. And Romney, it will be a cold day in HELL before I vote for you EVER AGAIN.

  12. JohnS

    Thanks for proving my point.
    The REALITY is that we have Open Primaries.

    But PLEASE! Stick to your “principles” of what SHOULD be…you fool.
    Your “Wishful Thinking” will get you the same FAILED result.

  13. If the entrenched republican establishment pukes pull off the brokered convention routine and fuck the voters out of their choice, the republican party is dead. I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t some bloodshed if that happens. The Washington clan has no idea how much they are despised by the people who used to support them.

  14. Czar; I have no wishful thinking.
    I sincerely believe the Democrats will succeed using the open primary system to stick us with Trump. Not only did it work with McCain and Romney, it will likely work again with Trump.
    There is a certain kind of Republican that supports this system, the ones that don’t want a Republican president.
    At least this time it will be a double win as with Trump there will be two Democrats on the ticket, so a win/win for them.
    Look at the numbers. The majority of Republicans want Cruz. The Democrats and the center/left Republicans want Trump.
    If it weren’t for you guys working with the Dems Cruz would be on top.

  15. open primaries are not the problem. there are 19 open primaries & 20 closed primaries …. Florida is one of them …. get back to me in two weeks … the problem is proportional primaries … that’s what the Fat Cats of both parties want … if their boy (or girl) doesn’t make it, fuque it, we change the rules

    & I notice no one mentioned that Nevada was a closed primary

  16. “So – going forward, Trump would have to win 52 percent?”

    States voting on March 15, 2016, or later will award their delegates on a winner-take-all basis.

    Trump will win as long as he takes the lead in every one. Remember, this system was set up to get JEB! elected without the base. meaning less than 25% of the total vote with other candidates as splitters.

    Remember how astonished we all were when JEB! was dissing us and talking like a (D). He thought he had it in the bag with the set up. And maybe he does with a statement like “I have to lose the primary to win the general election”.

    At an early debate he said ” I know the people that are going to elect me”. I’m still not convinced he was talking about the Republican primary voter with the last statement. More likely the GOPe and donors.

  17. the game is rigged, and has been for decades. There is a shadow government, if you will, and believe it or not they are running the parties, merging them into one, deleting our borders and destroying conservatism and Christianity. I dont have a tin foil hat on, nor do i own one, but if you cant see the men behind the curtain you are not making an effort. The only difference we can make is to not join in, not vote for their poster boys, and vote Trump.

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