News of Trump’s Net Worth Conflicts With Dopey Libs Who Say He Became President To Enrich Himself – IOTW Report

News of Trump’s Net Worth Conflicts With Dopey Libs Who Say He Became President To Enrich Himself

Trump’s Net Worth Falls for 2nd Consecutive Year.


President Donald Trump’s net worth slipped to $2.8 billion, a decline of $100 million over the past year, as revenue at his namesake Fifth Avenue tower and golf courses fell.

The drop, the second in two years, is based on figures compiled by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index from lenders, property records, annual reports, market data and a May 16financial disclosure. It occurred as Trump began his second year in the White House and his name was stripped from buildings in Toronto, Manhattan and Panama.

The most recent estimate, down from $2.9 billion last June, is the lowest since Bloomberg began tracking Trump’s wealth in 2015.


Not so shocking.

He’s concentrating on this presidency, not business.

The left doesn’t know whether to sh*t or wind their wristwatch.


13 Comments on News of Trump’s Net Worth Conflicts With Dopey Libs Who Say He Became President To Enrich Himself

  1. The Clinton’s were finally forced to return several items that were stolen from the WH. Virtually every decision they made while in office was weighed against how they could profit from it. And we have leftists after all this has been uncovered still ignoring the Clinton’s larcenous behavior and trying to accuse Trump of it. Pathetic.

  2. reality vs liberal thinking.

    how did clintons and obama get so rich ?
    how did the congressmen get so rich ?

    elected office is now the big cash cow being milked and the taxpayers at the ones having their tits squeezed !

  3. Unlike the liberal hero’s like Tom Styer, Bloomberg, Soros and others, Trump didn’t make his fortune by paper shuffling, he actually built things that will last. They are dripping with envy and cease every chance to be critical. Small and childish minds.

  4. Envy is not a becoming trait but is central to the democrat mentality. No matter how much can be accumulated by the grifters, Clinton and Obama’s combined net worth will never come close to Trump’s.
    Must drive them crazy.

  5. The fact that Trump has postponed his personal affairs to give back to this country and it’s people is a novel concept to those on the left. They just can’t imagine anyone doing that and are suspicious. Meanwhile their wonderboy Obama has busied himself gathering money with both hands as he still preaches the leftist drivel about helping others. Phony scum.

  6. In the meantime, Barry and Shelly who both opined about their thoughts that at some point you’ve made enough money and that rich people were going to have to take smaller pieces of the pie so others can have bigger pieces of the pie are getting $400,000 per speech, $40 M for book deals and $50 M for a Netflix deal.
    Anyone think they’ll give a big piece of their pie to those in need?
    Neither do I.
    They are predictable, typical, hypocritical leftist elites.
    Not to mention liars.

    They’ll just keep bashing the guy who is giving his President’s salary away to charity and who is taking losses in business so he can serve the country and make America great again.

  7. DJT’s pay cut is more than half of Zer0’s net worth.

    I’ve been saying it DJT’s entire presidency that he is taking a pay cut. It’s inspirational and therefore drives libturds insane.

  8. President Trump is not doing it for the money, he’s doing it because he loves America which is driving the libs ape shit. They just don’t understand President Trump’s and our the deplorables, his supporters love of America. Hellary would’ve taken us to the cleaners by now selling off access to power to any takers she and the Clinton crime foundation could bribe or buy off.

  9. With every daily media blitz Trump takes I think about how he doesn’t have to do this. That is really what makes him special and why they’ll never be able to break the bond he has with his supporters. He has truly sacrificed more than anyone else and the inverse relationship of his wealth with that decision solidifies that.

  10. Trump has set a standard that’s embarrassing to them and the whole world sees it. The only ones who don’t are the ones that refuse to and they are exposed for their hypocrisy.

  11. Trump is close to the Founding Fathers in that he has actually staked his personal fortune and future on the country. He knows the opposition wants to destroy his presidency and business and he perseveres anyway because he believes in his mission.


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