News Site Tries To Imply A Girl Received Jail Time in Kentucky For Using the N-Word – IOTW Report

News Site Tries To Imply A Girl Received Jail Time in Kentucky For Using the N-Word


Here is the headline-

Racist University of Kentucky student pleads guilty after singing the N-word 200 times at black staffer in 10-minute rant – here’s how long she faces in jail.

I had to read it twice and then go to the article because I had to make sure there was no jail time for “using the n-word.”

I’m not condoning its use, but I’m also wary that the left would love to put people in jail for using words that are not on their approved list.

The approved list includes any disparagement you can think of to use against white people, particularly older men, and all Christians.

15 Comments on News Site Tries To Imply A Girl Received Jail Time in Kentucky For Using the N-Word

  1. Well it’s the Daily Mail.
    The girl seems to need deliverance from being a drunk.
    It wouldn’t matter what she said either. That desk clerk will carry that bitterness and use it as a badge of honor with her leftist friends that she’s seen “real racism”.

  2. Just happened, just now.
    Think about this. . .

    You know how that BBC twat Katty Kay makes daily American broadcasts on msNBC broadcasting her snarky, self-loathing reporting of opinions and mis-representations of facts.

    I just caught on to a scam they pull.
    It PROVES They are pure scripted phonys.

    Here is how it works:

    TVHost 1: (Interchangeable, Scarborough, Mika, Lemur etc)
    “Blah blah blah , for a minute or two, non-stop)
    Makes you think the Host is speaking their own words.
    And after minutes of blah blah blah . . . within a milliseconds . . . Katty Kay (interchangeable) will snap right back with an answer. As if she knew ‘exactly’ at what word to start her continuation in agreement with whatever TV Host 1 was blah blah blah’ing about.

    Do you see?

    If it happened once, or twice or even three times, it would be chance. This happens DAILY.

    Katty ‘Krunt’ Kay is a K R U N T
    And she is part of that TEAM.

    It’s ALL SCRIPTED msNBC crap designed to start Wars.
    From the Beginning.

    Liars Lair

  3. @Coinky Dinky Watch – Way back when the phoney-baloney plastic banana republic socialist hood-ornament known as the Øbamboozler, Debbie Wasserman Schultz embarrassed herself on MSNBC when answering a question on Obamadontcare by misreading the teleprompter by saying: “At the end of the day, Americans were not only not myzled by the president, the overwhelming majority of Americans are already insured,”
    She misread and pronounced the word “misled” as myzeld and absolutely PROVED without any doubt that not only are the questions scripted, but so are the answers!
    It’s all one BIG scripted Shit Show designed to deceive on the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media!

  4. Can anybody make a rational argument of why if you have dark skin you can use a word as much as you want, but if it’s white you cannot?
    What a bunch of Nazis. There.

  5. Sometimes I get careless with my language, so I make sure to always garden and cut the grass with my shirt off, no hat/sunglasses, no sunscreen, etc
    so’s I can say the n-word, call bitches “ho’s” etc.


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