Newsom Browses Boise Bookstore for Banned Books – IOTW Report

Newsom Browses Boise Bookstore for Banned Books

PJ Media

Newsom recently posted a video on social media that was filmed while he was in Idaho over the weekend, allegedly stumping for Biden but coincidentally building up his own base. Anyway, the video shows Newsom browsing in a bookstore, while a white text overlay reads, “Visiting a bookstore with banned books in Boise.”

Let’s pause a minute and think this through. More

6 Comments on Newsom Browses Boise Bookstore for Banned Books

  1. Let’s see, in the last week this dumb shit has broken his own rule that no Cali Politician visit Idaho. He joined Threads and his first post was a very intelligent “Anybody Here”. And now this. Make no mistake, this is your next appointed President.

  2. These sick freaks want to replace Dick and Jane with Dick sucks Dick and make it normal.
    But they won’t stop there because they still have toddler Sally and the dog and cat to fill all their
    other fetishisms.


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