Newsom Considers Keeping Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Open Past 2025 – IOTW Report

Newsom Considers Keeping Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Open Past 2025

CA Globe:

During a meeting with the Los Angeles Times Editorial Board on Thursday, Governor Gavin Newsom indicated that he may reverse course on the closure of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power in 2025, and may keep it open until the 2030’s as California transitions to more greener energies.

For the last decade, Diablo Canyon has stood alone as the only operating nuclear power plant in California due to environmental and nuclear safety regulatory concerns. Throughout the 1990’s, 2000’s and early 2010’s, multiple nuclear plants were closed across California, with the second last, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, closing in the early 2010’s.

Diablo Canyon remained a target for opponents until 2016, when Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) announced that they would not be renewing licenses on their reactors, setting them up to stop completely by 2025.

However, since that announcement, renewable, green energy demand in California has grown exponentially under multiple bills and gubernatorial executive orders, along with a backlash against oil and coal plants, along with legislation and executive orders for statewide carbon-free goals by 2045. As Diablo Canyon currently accounts for 9% of all power generated in California, many have argued that its closure would also have many negative effects, including leading to an energy gap as fossil fuel plants continue to close and green energy plants currently are not providing the amounts needed in clean replacement energy and a low, but growing, number of energy storage batteries in the state.

In the last several years, bills in the state legislature have been introduced to try and save the plant, studies have proven that the state would save billions and help meet clean energy goals with the plant in place, and even members of the Biden Administration, including Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, have been in favor of keeping the plant open.

With such a pushback in place to avoid an energy crisis, Governor Gavin Newsom appears to have begun shifting his thinking back to keeping Diablo Canyon open past 2025. more

15 Comments on Newsom Considers Keeping Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Open Past 2025

  1. Every state shuld be building nuclear power plants.

    How to make a first world country into a turd world country? Cut energy production and make it too expensive and unreliable for industry, transportation, and regular household use.

  2. Toes and fingers crossed that this will eventually bode well for the Yucca Mountain Repository. All that spent fuel has to go somewhere, and it might as well be here! Enviro-whackos haven’t grasped the fact yet that nuclear is the only true “green” energy.

  3. Diablo Canyon, California’s last nuclear power plant, is scheduled to begin shutting down in 2024. California is approaching an energy crossroads. In three years, its last nuclear plant will begin to power down and the state will lose its largest single source of emissions-free electricity.Dec 12, 2021

    Did you get that part “emissions free?” How green is that? Brad is right, it is an admission that “green energy” is a farce.

  4. Your Communist Masters May 2, 2022 at 3:08 pm

    You will sit in the dark waterless dwelling we assign you, own nothing, and be happy.

    California feeds a lot of people, be careful what you wish for.

  5. Have faith in the Plan.

    I’m sure the technology exists to Burn STREET SHITS for Electricity.

    An Endless power supply for the masses….

  6. Brad May 2, 2022 at 3:24 pm

    “California feeds a lot of people”

    Lots a Chinese people with a crop that comes right from you neck of the woods.

    Yep, we brought them over here because they fought with us in Laos against the commies. Now they grow crops, food, weed, if there’s soil to be had, they grow on it. We have plenty of water where I’m at. Matter of fact, there’s 2 big dams within 100 miles of me. Both provide water to S. CA. We’re not releasing the water we use to, to cover all the farmers down south. DWR (State of CA water resources), will not allow the lake to get like it did last year. Happy I don’t live in Las Vegas or Arizona right now (or S. CA).

  7. San Onofre was fun to surf. A few times the water got noticeably warmer, still cold, but noticeably warmer. Totally normal, non radioactive release.

    Still somewhat unsettling.

    Diablo Canyon is, oddly enough. Right next to Avila beach where I worked. You can’t see it. It’s on the other side of a ridge. You can see it perfectly from the water. Once we got about a mile from it and the warning siren went off. Not because of us, just a regularly scheduled blast that we got in the way of.

    That was beyond heart attack level of anxiety. The horn was sooooo loud. Shook my body. We didn’t know what was up so we hauled the lines up and booked. Not knowing if the plant was about to explode or what.

    Never been back to fish there.

  8. Diablo Canyon remained a target for opponents until 2016, when Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) announced that they would not be renewing licenses on their reactors, setting them up to stop completely by 2025.

    You veel accept the licenses dee Party pins upon you. Graciously. And continue to do dee Party’s great vurk! Feelthy capitalist Party bureau!

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