Newsom, On Day One, Gives Healthcare To Illegals – IOTW Report

Newsom, On Day One, Gives Healthcare To Illegals


Shortly after he took office on Monday, California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom unearthed an unprecedented new health care agenda for his state, aimed at offering dramatically more benefits to illegal immigrants and protecting the embattled Affordable Care Act, which a federal judge recently struck down as unconstitutional.

The sweeping proposal appeared destined to push California — already one of the nation’s most liberal states — even further to the left, as progressive Democrats there won a veto-proof supermajority in the state legislature in November and control all statewide offices.

“People’s lives, freedom, security, the water we drink, the air we breathe — they all hang in the balance,” Newsom, 51, told supporters Monday in a tent outside the state Capitol building, as he discussed his plans to address issues from homelessness to criminal justice and the environment. “The country is watching us, the world is watching us. The future depends on us, and we will seize this moment.”


19 Comments on Newsom, On Day One, Gives Healthcare To Illegals

  1. Cut the federal funding to the State of California right now!
    Let THEM pay for it!
    I DO NOT WANT my hard-earned tax dollars funding this illegal activity!
    This shit’s gotta stop and it will when the funding for it gets cut off.

  2. “People’s lives, freedom, security, the water we drink, the air we breathe — they all hang in the balance,”

    …he’s not wrong. It’s just that Democrats want CONTROL over those people’s lives, freedom, security, the water they drink, AND the air we breathe.

    And totalitarianism is how they do it. That’s what the word MEANS.

    …people of California, you have GIVEN the Democrats complete control over your lives, freedom, security, the water you drink, and the air we breathe. Embrace the suck…but keep it to YOURSELVES.

    …Now, about that CALEXIT thing you guys were talking about when President Trump was elected. Well, he’s STILL your President, so maybe you should just GO…

  3. “Cut the federal funding to the State of California right now!”

    Why is there “federal funding” for the State of California, in the first place?
    Where’s THAT in the Constitution?

    Yes, by all means, let them stew in their own juices.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. CA Medicaid is receiving Federal funds, so if it is allowed to give Illegals medical care, watch for other commie states to follow. All Federal funds need to be pulled if states are using them illegally.

  5. The self absorbed foppish prick is counting on the federal dollars pouring in to subsidize his anarchy. Sadly he’ll be getting it. We’re not only suffering the effects of this mass invasion we’re bankrolling for it.

  6. Can we build the wall around CA to keep them all there?! The libtards that voted for this are going to flee and further ruin what is left of AZ, NV and CO and further damage TX and every other state they flee to.

  7. Looks like the dude being interviewed on McCallum’s segment is a fucking idiot as well.

    FOX has gone down the tubes steadily since about 2005 / 2006. O’Reilly was the first to slide to the left under the guise of “fair & balanced”.

    They are all narcissists now.

    Being formerly from CA I have to say that the only way to have any effect on fixing the left-wing lunacy is to stop subsidizing it with taxpayer funding.

  8. If the White House needed more meat for the speech tonight, this is it. Look around the globe. No country is grabbing the ankles and declaring, “the world is watching us.” That’s queer. India, UK, pick one in Europe, Asia, etc. They’re securing their domestic side / borders which have been abused. Grab the antidote and take out the incentives which globalleftists have infested this country with.

  9. NJ will be next. Murphy is going all out to have NJ surpass California in stupidity. He knows he has some catching up to do, but for him its full speed ahead.

  10. Great, as long as commiefornia does not ask the feds for more money. This fraud is one helluva bum magnet. Watch as cities throughout the west see their bums relocate to commiefornia for better benefits. Think Commiefornia has a homeless problem now. Just wait.


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