Newsom Rips Into the President During Inaugural Address – IOTW Report

Newsom Rips Into the President During Inaugural Address

The headwind our president faces is greater than most mortals can endure.


California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom ripped the Trump administration and its policies during his inaugural address Monday while also taking a swipe at President Donald Trump himself, without mentioning him.

“Here in California, we will prove that people of good faith, and firm will can still come together to achieve big things,” Newsom said. “We will offer an alternative to the corruption and the incompetence in the White House. Our government will be progressive, principled and always on the side of the people.”

He also spoke about the state standing up against Washington’s policies on everything from the environment, immigration and LGBT rights to women’s reproductive access. Newsom and Trump have traded barbs in the past and just last week the California politician blasted the president’s threat to close the southern border as “irresponsible, irrational and absurd.”

Newsom, 51, is the Golden State’s 40th governor and succeeds Jerry Brown, a Democrat who served four terms as governor and also sparred with the Trump on a wide range of issues, including climate change and immigration. Early in his remarks, Newsom thanked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., but then added that “there is an administration in Washington that is clearly hostile to California values and California’s interests.”


17 Comments on Newsom Rips Into the President During Inaugural Address

  1. If there is ever a Newsom/Inslee (WA state Governor who is just as libcrazy as Newsom but not as smart or charismatic) presidential ticket, and they win, it’ll be time to move to New Zealand.

  2. POS

    Navin Gruesome

    Doesn’t like

    President Donald Trump

    SO WHAT !

    I don’t like asshole Newsom

    His opinion is more important than mine ?

    I think it’s the other way around

    I’m not running for political office.

    He owes everyone an answer

    I owe no one an answer

  3. MJA
    My opinion. He’s coming out a tick or two more logical than that fucking brain dead socialist piece of monkey shit ass hole we just got rid of. Not that I harbor any hostilities or anything. Gavin, the wife swapper, is not a fan of the train to no where. He’s not a fan of the Delta tunnels. He’s a big fan of making California part of Mexico. It’s prolonged agony. Just kill this state now so us conservatives can take it back.

  4. “The headwind our president faces is greater than most mortals can endure.”

    “HEADWIND?!” :huh: It’s Gavin Newscum! Like ALL democraps when they speak, it’s always – ALWAYS – a, “TAILwind.” :fart:

  5. I see him folding up and crying like a little girl when President Trump turns the spotlight on him. Just like those antiFa badboys screaming and running away when they face any retaliation.

    His governor’s salary should come in the form of pesos and tamales.

  6. Gosh, I sure hope he showed footage, projected on a Jumbotron, of himself with his hands smooshed in the back pockets of his jeggings, sheepishly following Trump around a pile of ashes during his tour of the tragic fires.


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