Red State
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has loudly announced his intention to “Trump proof” the state ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration in January 2025. Some of the things he wants to do will be extremely unpopular with the state’s residents, and legislators who watched their districts vote for Trump (or saw big leaps in that direction) will be wary of publicly signing on to his radical agenda. He’s in a bit of a conundrum. He’s probably been longing for the unchecked power he had from March 2020 through February 28, 2023, when Californians lived under a State of Emergency for the COVID pandemic. More
I am an MD and live in Louisiana. We get constant material from the Medical Board, but almost zero on bird flu. No one is concerned about this.
Any state he is in charge of constitutes a catastrophe, not an emergency!
An anagram of “bird flu mania” is MUD BRAIN FAIL.
That “state of emergency” means lots of money to be handed over to cronies via no-bid contracts.
This clowns acting like a scared little kid. He’s directly going against the will of the voters. Spending us into insolvency, acting like a freaking dictator. I think Trump/Musk has broken his little mind. A couple days ago he signed a bill outlawing the sale of new gas cars by 2035. It’s been estimated that it would take between 30 and 50 years to build the grid required to charge that many cars. This guy has slipped his disco and needs to be checked for mental competency.
It’s the oldest trick in the book. Sheeple (low IQ voters, mostly Democrats) are more likely to give up their freedoms in the face of “an emergency”. Instil fear and uncertainty within the populace, they will default to being good little comrades, for, you know, safety and all that.
I think declaring a state of emergency gives him an avenue to federal funds too. Unless of course the government is shut down. At any rate he’s run out of state tax revenue to spend. What a POS. This guy couldn’t run a pop cycle stand and here he is leading California. Off a cliff.
What a fucking asshole. If Californians actually put up with this bullshit, then they are truly worthless and weak.
Of course it affects cows. You’ll never see a state of emergency over soy.
” If Californians actually put up with this bullshit, then they are truly worthless and weak.”
It’s a huge bonus when the votes are actually counted. Just sayen.
Govern me harder, Daddy.
Tar and feathers…at the least. So glad we got out of that shitty state.
Scratch a liberal, find a tyrant
Coming soon,
Mask up. Social distance. Get injected.
Happy Kwansa bitches.
… Newsom gives state and local authorities broad authority to ignore various rules, regulations, and laws to “address the effects of bird flu…”
And there you have the real reason. And he can blow right through any budgetary restrictions to
tilt at windmillsfight a supposed outbreak, and thereby partially hide his fiscal failure.Now you know how millions of Germans did nothing to stop Hitler when he ordered them to commit atrocities.