Newsom Wants Law to Force Refiners to Keep Fuel Reserves – IOTW Report

Newsom Wants Law to Force Refiners to Keep Fuel Reserves

Red State

Grasping for relevance, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is in the midst of a bit of a temper tantrum this week with the legislature – threatening to convene a special session if they don’t pass his proposal to further regulate California’s oil and gas industry. Industry analysts say that the proposal, which would force refineries to “maintain a minimum fuel reserve to avoid supply shortages,” would lead to increased prices for drivers in California, Arizona, and Nevada.

This asinine proposal is from Newsom’s California Energy Commission (CEC), which was formed in 2023 after a Newsom called a special session in 2022 demanding that legislators “do something” to prevent alleged price gouging by Big Oil. Commission members are political appointees, but the staffers are not. And, according to political consultant Rob Stutzman, the CEC’s own staffers believe this proposal will make prices higher, not lower. More

17 Comments on Newsom Wants Law to Force Refiners to Keep Fuel Reserves

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Soooooo… he wants to eliminate oil/natgas because only solar and wind will save the earth, but in the meantime the refiners must have EXTRA????

  2. The shelf life of modern gas is approx 2 months. which means the refineries will need to continue to add additives in the newly constructed fuel tank they had to just pay for. It will drive fuel prices way up. Which is what he’s after.

  3. Cynic

    Homes in Redding are relatively cheap. probably cheaper than Southern AZ. Gas will cost you more. Utilities will cost you more. Groceries probably the same. You will save on property tax over the long haul. Which is significant. If Harris gets elected we will all be California. Besides, Lake Shasta bro. Extremely conservative area.


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