Newsome Proposes “CARE Courts” To Compel Mentally Ill and Drug Addicted Into Treatment – IOTW Report

Newsome Proposes “CARE Courts” To Compel Mentally Ill and Drug Addicted Into Treatment


California Governor Gavin Newsom put forward a plan on Thursday to compel homeless people with acute mental illness and/or addiction to accept treatment.

The plan, which would require legislative agreement, would require all counties in the state to create a mental health branch in civil court dedicated to assisting people who are in need of help but won’t consent to services on their own, essentially forcing them to accept care.

With CARE Courts (CARE stands for Community Assistance, Recovery, and empowerment), the civil courts created in every California county would allow civil proceedings against people with severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia or psychotic disorders to be initiated by individuals such as family members, first responders, outreach workers, and others. All in all, it would result in up to two years of court-monitored services for the individual. More

24 Comments on Newsome Proposes “CARE Courts” To Compel Mentally Ill and Drug Addicted Into Treatment

  1. I work with these folks in CA. This could work better for the mentally ill then drug addicts. Judge Manly who is quoted in the article has been part of stuff a long time and all though to much praise is on the Gov. If Manley likes it it could a good thing. Need more info, but I doubt it will make things worse.

  2. What could possibly go wrong?

    How about forcing political opponents into 2 years of confinement with the violently mentally ill and criminal drug offenders with no legal rights after having Newsome’s CARE court taking them away? If there’s a way to abuse the system to punish opponents, democrats will take advantage. – Dr. Tar

  3. RogerF March 4, 2022 at 6:02 pm

    What could possibly go wrong?

    They’ll eventually admit that Reagan was right for shutting down the nut houses, waste of time and money. BTW, just who is going to do the rehabilitation of these people? Who is going to supervise them 24/7 now that they are on the taxpayer’s dollar. Getting nuked might be the best remedy. /just saying

  4. ” Need more info, but I doubt it will make things worse.”
    Any time the state ruling class does anything they make it worse. That’s how this state got so Fed up in the first place. Just sit back a watch.

  5. Worth a try. Something is always better than nothing. Reagan shut down all the nut houses. Yeah & it shows, 75% of the far far right-wingers belong in one.

  6. One of the indicators of mental illness in Anonymous commenters here is the inability to form contractions. (Laughter indicating derision.)

    (Of course, for regulars, it’s poetic license! Mwahaha!)

  7. I dunno’ Malaise. This new crop is kinda’ boring. Like juvenile mentality never got beyond high schoo jelly of people with actual lives boring.

    I can’t mess around with boring people. I just wind up posting videos.


  8. I’ve been a family member who has spent more hours than I can count trying to get help for someone very dear, without success. The threshold for doing so has to meet “an immediate danger to themselves or to others” (and the broadly-intepreted “danger” amounts to they either are pointing a loaded gun at someone or there is already blood on the knife). In WA state you CANNOT get the help that is needed without the mentally ill person’s consent. Period.

    Psychotropic drug protocols today work — if they are followed and monitored. I’ve seen them work. The saddest thing in the world is knowing how different life can be for the mentally ill if they get the right, caring doctors and support.

    As much as I think Newsome is bad for CA and for this country, at least it’s not nothing, and it could serve as a start for other states to deal with the wildfire of homelessness. It’s heartless as hell to leave the mentally ill out there to shift for themselves.

  9. I am all for mental health, and drug reduction support, but if the changes are not voluntary, and from within you are training the patients how to game the system in an advanced course.
    You can not force someone force get better, either they will accept the counseling, and detox chemically, or emotionally while doing so, or they reject it and just learn how to appear “better”.
    This is only my opinion, but I have some experience in the AO.

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