Newsom’s Nuisance Florida Ad Fixed – IOTW Report

Newsom’s Nuisance Florida Ad Fixed

See the video in the second tweet by C3PMeme for the corrected version. Here

7 Comments on Newsom’s Nuisance Florida Ad Fixed

  1. Don’t let them take your freedom.
    Let us take your money instead!
    ….and when it comes to freedom, nobody has more regulations and restrictions than California!!

  2. You’d think with California being such a great place to live with lots of free stuff, that the border invaders would be fast tracking right there to collect all the goodies. No??

  3. Gavin Newsom and Pelosi’s have been lairs and thieves for decades.
    There isn’t any way Gavin Newsom won the recall without cheating.
    I can’t believe even California, has that many stupid people.

    $737 Million Green Loan to Pelosi Kin Fuels Outrage

  4. You guys should not discount or ignore the fact that Newsom is super, super (Did I mention super?) popular with dems outside of California, those that don’t live in his self-made squalor.

    Granted most of this is superficial, tall good looking guy with a pretty wife who can string 2 sentences together without drooling, he checks all the boxes; backs high taxes, loves illegals, worships the Green New Deal, and is a globalist.

    His nomination in 2024 is for the taking. He is no Hillary or Kamala, take this guy seriously.

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