Newsweak – IOTW Report


So sure they were – Newsweek sent out their Congratulations Hillary issue and got caught looking like idiots.


Victorious presidential candidate Pres. Harry Truman jubilantly displaying erroneous CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE w. headline DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN which overconfident Republican editors had rushed to print on election night, standing on his campaign train platform. (Photo by W. Eugene Smith//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)

23 Comments on Newsweak

  1. They all knew the fix was in. Trump even said so. But good overcame evil.
    This is the best thing newsweak ever did. lol. Goodbye credibility. Not that you had any anyway, but now the Left is well aware of the massive lack.

  2. These were the types of thinks that never bode well – celebrating your POTUS victory after the DNC, pulling out of states last September proclaiming they were won already, publicly scheduling firework celebrations for an early victory – headlines for wins before they happen. It usually backfires.

  3. Newsweek is not a real magazine anymore. It was bought years ago by Jane Harman, a CA Demonrat, for $1 in fact. It only operates as a propaganda piece, with no intention of being profitable, attempting to use the aura of its former position as a recognized periodical.

  4. All they have to do is add, “SUNK HER OWN SHIP”!

    The liberals need to come to grips with the colossal failure of their ‘gifted with every advantage’ candidate. They should have been able to push her dead body over the finish line, considering all the MSM bias, hiding, cheating, & etc. that they used!! In fact, I think they were hoping Kaine would have to finish the race.

    Grow up snowflakes. To paraphrase Obama;
    You lost, we won. If you want to do things your way, go win an election.

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