Newsweek Comes to Bury Biden, Not Praise Him – IOTW Report

Newsweek Comes to Bury Biden, Not Praise Him


There is nothing to praise about Joe Biden’s departure, which was not so much a choice as a belated recognition of basic political reality. It’s strange to see someone who did so much damage be praised as a hero and a statesman. But in American politics, decisions made out of pure self-interest are often presented as benevolence and idealism. It is common in this country to pretend that the raw machinations of the politically powerful are actually some kind of morality play. More

9 Comments on Newsweek Comes to Bury Biden, Not Praise Him

  1. That line comes from Marc Antony’s speech over Caesar’s recently murdered body that he used to inspire a civil war that inagurated centuries of tyranny.

    Let us pray that Newsweek’s oratory falls far short of that mark.

    …but while we’re on the subject, the Romans had a thing they’d do where they would jam a meathook under a traitor’s jaw, drag him through the streets, and throw the body in the Tiber.

    THAT is the “burial” Traitor Joe the Pedo Fraud had earned, if we really want to get Roman in this…

  2. “It’s strange to see someone who did so much damage be praised as a hero and a statesman.”

    Wait until he dies. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Newsweek.

    And speaking of strange, it’s strange to see a magazine which fellated Biden as vigorously as Jill did before Joe married her, now sanctimoniously and unceremoniously disposing of the guy who got 81,000,000 votes.


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