Newsweek Finds Another Head Shrinker Ready to Say President Trump Has Dementia – IOTW Report

Newsweek Finds Another Head Shrinker Ready to Say President Trump Has Dementia


There is “overwhelming” evidence that Donald Trump is suffering from dementia, a leading psychiatrist has claimed, amid speculation about the state of the former president’s mental health.

Dr. Lance Dodes, a supervising analyst emeritus of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and retired Harvard Medical School professor, was among those recently quoted by Duty To Warn, which describes itself as an association of mental health professionals concerned about Trump.

“Unlike normal aging, which is characterized by forgetting names or words, Trump repeatedly shows something very different: confusion about reality,” he wrote in a statement published on Friday, which referenced Trump’s confusing Barack Obama with Joe Biden.

“If he were to become president he would have to be immediately removed from office via the 25th Amendment as dangerously unable to fulfill the responsibilities of office,” Dodes, who is also a distinguished fellow of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, added, citing the 1967 mechanism that allows for a president to be removed due to unfitness. More

26 Comments on Newsweek Finds Another Head Shrinker Ready to Say President Trump Has Dementia

  1. Dementia, hell someone needs a brain to begin with, a few more Big Macs will fix everyting. Russian Oligarchs, Arabs, Chinese billionaires, I don’t care just get me 600 million quick, I’m for 4 sale. America’s secrets, o yeah. What ya looking for? Nukes subs, airplanes, defense systems I got em all & all for sale.

  2. Psychiatrists are listed on the professional scale as being one step below Snake Oil Salesmen, Voodoo Priestesses and Witch Doctors! They are, however, equal to both psychologists and social workers which makes them inane, worthless and pathetic charlatan’s!

  3. On the contrary, I think Trump deliberately flames the liberals with words like “bloodbath”. That takes planning and foresight – a sign of great intelligence on a national platform, for a change. I think he’s used that tactic previously.

    Then nincompoops like Nancy Pewloose, like clockwork, fill up their Depends.

    The liberals found a hole and fell in, like they always do.

  4. Be sure to check the comments on the article if you want a real dose of mental illness. The levels of cognitive dissonance is through the roof and the delusional thinking is scary.

  5. Reality says Trump hopes just enough of his “Hill Folks” act out on his threats. You know just like a 5 yr ole who was kicked out of the sandbox & lashes out. Then hides under mommie’s skirt.

  6. Buffoon utters utter nonsense violating principles of professional conduct in service of defaming Trump.

    Since he is outside of his accustomed bailiwick or wheelhouse a $100,000,000 defamation suit is in order.

  7. Well, to follow “his” line of thinking, why hasn’t he had (p)Resident Pedo Joe removed from office?

  8. My mom and mother in law both had dementia. My mom lived at a memory care facility with 63 other folks who suffered from one of many forms of dementia. I have been more than exposed to this condition and the very first time I saw the current clone of Biden on TV back in 2015, I knew IMMEDIATELY that he has dementia of some form or another. I have seen Trump speak likely hundreds of times, watched him walk places, walk up/down stairs, and so many other activities. I am no “professional” (aka – paid dupe), but I can say with 100% certainty that Trump does NOT have dementia while Biden OBVIOUSLY has dementia. I guarantee that EVERYONE who has EVER cared for someone with dementia recognizes it in Mr. Potatohead. Jill Biden is a traitor and an elder abuser for what she is allowing to be done to her husband AND America.


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