Newsweek Publishes Article Describing Treasonous Acts By “Anonymous” Military Brass – IOTW Report

Newsweek Publishes Article Describing Treasonous Acts By “Anonymous” Military Brass

If Newsweek is reporting the truth, the military brass are admitting to treason.

-Pentagon and Washington-area military leaders are on red alert, wary of what President Donald Trump might do in his remaining days in office. Though far-fetched, ranking officers have discussed what they would do if the president declared martial law. And military commands responsible for Washington DC are engaged in secret contingency planning in case the armed forces are called upon to maintain or restore civil order during the inauguration and transition period. According to one officer who spoke to Newsweek on condition of anonymity, the planning is being kept out of sight of the White House and Trump loyalists in the Pentagon for fear that it would be shut down.

“I’ve been associated with the military for over 40 years and I’ve never seen the discussions that are being had right now, the need for such discussions,” says a retired flag officer, currently a defense contractor who has mentored and advised his service’s senior leaders. He was granted anonymity in order to speak without fear of reprisal.

A half-dozen officers in similar positions agree that while there is zero chance that the uniformed leadership would involve itself in any scheme to create an election-related reversal, they worry that the military could get sucked into a crisis of Trump’s making, particularly if the president tries to rally private militias and pro-Trump paramilitaries in an effort to disrupt the transition and bring violence to the capital.


35 Comments on Newsweek Publishes Article Describing Treasonous Acts By “Anonymous” Military Brass

  1. There’s no credibility to this sort of stuff, no more than there was to all that Russia and dossier stuff.

    But people being what they are, they will choose to believe what they want to believe about it without bothering to investigate it first.

  2. The reversal happened when the Democrats cheated, not when somebody else is trying to right the ship. I know the political hacks in the military at the top want to keep the gravy train going. Not this time.

  3. Phuck all your anonymous sources. It means you either made it up or you were talking to a coward. Someone bereft of conviction of their beliefs. A craven milquetoast hiding their identity out of fear.

    Screw that.

    We’re way past people choosing a side.

    Stand up, or shut up.

  4. The military is top heavy with tinpots, wokesters, incompetents, losers and hate America leftists! Why do we need hundreds of low-life, overpaid generals, admirals and other assorted jetsam and flotsam! When was the last time these pukes won a war, police action or even a skirmish?

  5. Didn’t realize Newsweak was still in business. Read some of the comments over there for this article. It will rise your I Q but at least 20 points. Those people are delusional.

  6. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if there were a group of Pentagon flag officers more concern about cashing their ticket with the military industrial complex (and thus prone to side with the establishment) than they are about their oath to the nation and the constitution.

  7. Coming from “Officers” that keep us entangled in a 20 year war and those that manage to crash ships into others on the high seas.
    Trump isn’t fool enough to place any trust in you hapless buffoons.


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