Newsweek Sr. Writer Probably Going To Be Called Into the Editor’s Office Tomorrow – IOTW Report

Newsweek Sr. Writer Probably Going To Be Called Into the Editor’s Office Tomorrow

Newsweek Sr. writer, Kurt Eichenwald, gave a bizarre performance on Tucker Carlson’s show this evening. So much so that Carlson said he feared for this man’s mental health.

He was talking about Trump and he rambled into weird areas talking about Trump “possibly” being in a mental hospital and CIA friends that told him things.

The problem is the guy never said anything. He just went off on a weird disjointed rambling quagmire and kept repeating that Carlson wasn’t “fooling anyone.”

The guy is on Twitter now accusing Carlson of lying-

29 Comments on Newsweek Sr. Writer Probably Going To Be Called Into the Editor’s Office Tomorrow

  1. The idiot WAS on twitter claiming that Tucker Carlson was lying. His timeline had a continuous juvenile rant for about an hour after the interview, but now all of it has disappeared. He went for the “twofer” – embarrassed himself in the interview and then embarrassed himself even worse on twitter.

    He’s living proof that the guy that paid $1 for Newsweek a couple of years ago got ripped off badly.

  2. This guy is the PROBLEM. Stop calling them Liberals, they are Nazis. Somebody needs to hit this guy so hard it kills his entire family. I’ll volunteer. Oh and Journalist? I think not.

  3. @Bad_Brad
    that’s a nasty smear on Nazis!

    Besides, there is nothing nationalistic about these delusional knob jobs. They are the genuine article, red diaper, Commie Boomer Babies.

  4. He mumbled something about 127 hard working underpaid people who work for the CIA, implying that number of spooks were going to come out with a statement or whatever about the Russian Grinchky Whole Stole the Election, so I guess that’s how many CIA employees the Clintons were able to buy.

  5. This crap is what the journalism schools are pumping out year after year. The media is filled with these shameful miscreants who produce bile instead of insight. This is kulture war and Newsweek Editor Adolph Eichenwald is no different than Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister for Hitler.

  6. Tucker gave that asshole Prime Television time to make his case, but he chose to joust.
    He chose unwisely.
    He would not answer the question about Trump being institutionalized with the answer we all knew was coming, which was: “No, but..”
    Typical liberal mush brain antics.
    They believe if they ‘frame’ (see-bullshit) the question ‘in the right way’ then the public will suspend their judgement on the sad lack of facts.
    Reminds me of a Zig Ziglar story,
    God heard about the apple incident and came around to see Adam.
    God: “Did you eat the apple, yes or no?”
    Adam: “Lord, (hems and haws) let me tell you about that Woman.”

  7. This is why I don’t read Newsweek, Time or any other main stream magazines. They are so biased they can’t see straight. Have you noticed when a liberal is asked a question they either attack the questioner or babble. It is a skill they must learn in journalism school.

  8. my daddy had a saying that applied to people like this leftist assklown: “if that boy had an original idea and a cold drink of water at the same time, it would kill him dead”

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  1. “Journalist” Kurt Eichenwald Claims a Tweet Gave Him a Seizure – IOTW Report

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