Next Time a Lefty Cites the Gloriousness of the Swedish Socialist Model, Send Them This – IOTW Report

Next Time a Lefty Cites the Gloriousness of the Swedish Socialist Model, Send Them This

The most interesting part is about healthcare.

Norberg implores the U.S. not to go to single payer because all of the single payer countries are “parasiting” off of the United States, using their innovation and technology because in a single payer system there is none of that. There’s no money. In fact, there’s massive rationing of healthcare.

10 Comments on Next Time a Lefty Cites the Gloriousness of the Swedish Socialist Model, Send Them This

  1. Who is this rational, intelligent, hunk? I think Iā€™m in love šŸ˜

    OTOH, I wondered how a sober Michael C Moynihan interview would play. I listen to The Fifth Column podcast on occasion and he and cohorts are smashed by hours end.

  2. I love when somebody brings up this Swedish or Scandinavian socialism and how it could work here.

    I say let’s pretend and say Sweden is a place where everybody is a sheep. There is harmony, there is peace, they all work together. Now picture the US. Over here we have sheep. We also have wolves, coyotes, hyenas,, ants, roaches and other assorted parasites. Here the sheep get eaten get by the meat eaters, the roaches and hyenas are scavengers and opportunists who contribute nothing but take. Not every group commits to the common good but will take from others for their own self interests.

    That’s why socialism here in the US will be another failed experiment, aka forced diversity. Oh and the introduction of wolves into Sweden and the other Scandy countries are only going to hasten the downfall of the sheep there. That’s even without bringing up the complete lack of innovation in these countries.

  3. The people pushing for socialism here are of two camps ,imho.
    The people who see themselves in positions of power where they can become rich, rich, rich and more powerful than God Himself.
    Then there are the people who are their useful tools who operate on emotion and selfishness. They want everyone equal, as in equally miserable, and they want an easy life where someone else does the thinking and planning and working and earning so they can sit on their busybody, virtue signaling butts with their hands out for the rich people’s money while watching no one be more successful than themselves.

    And they all think that all these other countries have done socialism wrong and they are the ones who are smarter and more compassionate and have a better plan to make socialism work.

    They are all wrong.

  4. About 10% of Swedes pay EXTRA for private health insurance (on top of 50+% taxes) so that they can get health care when they need it, not when it’s convenient to be fit into the bureaucrat schedule.

    I believe (and would like corroboration) that Swedish gov’t officials have different access to care than the general population.

  5. None of the people who swoon over Swedish economics live there. They don’t know first-hand, just from the glowing pieces they have read which leave out the bad parts.
    They own far fewer cars, often none – because they are too expensive! They have far less spending money, travel less, do less. And their economic growth has been stunted by socialism for the past 50 years, a time when their per-capita income was very strong so the loss is less apparent. No, socialism in any form does not work – but for many it needs to be witnessed first-hand.

  6. Industries are the organized physical manifestations of our frredom. Leftists are the very worst materialists as they only see the physical manifestations of what freedom creates such as health care and they think it is a thing they can take over rather than a part of a whole eco-system of self-governing free people.

  7. @Kevin R. July 31, 2018 at 10:26 am

    > Industries are the organized physical manifestations of our frredom.

    I should laugh, hysterically. But there isn’t enough weed in all of Colorado.

  8. “Laissez-faire”
    he actually talked a little about Laissez-faire.
    I remember learning about that in grade school. It used to be taught, and comparatively, too.
    Ask a kid today what Laissez-faire is, and they’ll probably say it is a lesbian party.


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