NFL Kneeler Kareem (of Beat) Hunt Involved in 2nd Beating – IOTW Report

NFL Kneeler Kareem (of Beat) Hunt Involved in 2nd Beating

What was he protesting with his kneeling? It was some sort of statement about blacks being unfairly persecuted, or something. Meanwhile, he’s a violent prick.


The NFL is opening a second investigation into former Kansas City Chiefs running back Kareem Hunt for another suspected incident that allegedly took place in Ohio earlier this year.

The incident purportedly happened this past June, when Hunt was visiting a resort in Ohio. He allegedly got into a verbal altercation with another man attending the resort and when the argument escalated, Hunt punched the man in the face.


20 Comments on NFL Kneeler Kareem (of Beat) Hunt Involved in 2nd Beating

  1. Oh, for Pete’s sake … (Pete’s my goose – so it’s not REALLY for his sake) it’s a cultural thing.

    Some kind of deep in the Heart of Darkness African Mumbo-Jumbo Thing.

    Take my word for it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. From a local guy:

    “The NFL took Tom Brady to the US 2nd Court of Appeals over the Ideal Gas Law but couldn’t find the time, the money or the justification to interview Kareem Hunt or the woman he hit on the video.

    Ted Wells was hired, millions of dollars was spent and the god damned peanut vendors at Gillette Stadium were interviewed.., all over the air pressure of footballs. Smack a woman.., crickets. “

  3. .45-70,
    No. He’s an African.
    He lives in a compound with two pools in the back (south) yard, in a real nice insulated metal house equipped with wood floors which he shares with two other geese and three chickens. But, like most Africans, he doesn’t appreciate it – always bitching and biting.

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