NFL Officials STUNNED at Empty Stadiums Over Weekend – IOTW Report

NFL Officials STUNNED at Empty Stadiums Over Weekend

Hannity: The National Football League continues to struggle with sagging ratings and empty stadiums as furious fans opted to stay home or change the channel over the weekend; raising alarm bells throughout the NFL as player protests continue their second month.

With television viewership down double digits, NFL owners and officials were stunned to see stadiums throughout the country at half capacity during kickoff, highlighting fans frustrations as players continue to “take a knee” during the performance of the ‘Star-Spangled Banner.’

Images of the empty arenas appeared on social media within minutes, with some in attendance pointing out “My estimate -2/3 empty at kickoff.”

The NFL has been struggling to regain its footing following weeks of players choosing to “take a knee” during the performance of the US national anthem.  Photos here

40 Comments on NFL Officials STUNNED at Empty Stadiums Over Weekend

  1. This protest is working out so well for them, The league is losing money by the wheelbarrow full every minute.
    The question of who runs the NFL, the fans do! Their plan is to use the ostrich approach until Roger Goodell resigns!

  2. All the entities losing money (networks/sponsors/advertisers/vendors) will wind up suing owners, NFL and Goodell.

    This is only the beginning. Next year will be a freaking apocalypse.

  3. the sad truth, unfortunately:

    the left has finally succeeded in depriving us regular americans of our beloved football…..

    the nfl could have prevented this, but apparently, the owners are more leftist than capitalist……


  4. If you actually go to an NFL game live you realize what a waste of time it is with all the TV timeouts and just taking forever to get a stinking play going.
    It didn’t really take much for me to quit the NFL completely anyway, and the knee-taking players provided that alright.

  5. Note to the NFL. If you expect me to be dissrespeced by the jerks on the field you are not accepting reality. These jerks are the first to wine about being dissed and yet they think nothing about alienating their Fan base. i Have not watched one NFL game this season, don’t expect to watch one this season.

  6. In a year or two, when the teams are so broke they can’t afford these professional knee takers, the coaches will be stopping by Home Depot parking lot on Sunday morning to try and put together a crew/team.

  7. I don’t watch sports so maybe you can’t do this. Why not start televising the game after the game has started.
    No one will know whether this was take a knee night or raise you fist night. Cause no one will see it.

  8. I don’t want to sound like a racist dick, but if you want some excitement this Veteran’s Day tune in to the ” All Ireland Football final 2015 Kerry v. Dublin,” bunch of white guys playing ball. Standing for the Irish National Anthem , an all.


    I guess stand your ground NFL. You chose SOME of the player’s stupidity over about 1/2 the fan base. You’ll have to ride out that stupid decision until some top brass wake up or get fired.

  10. @Moe Tom November 6, 2017 at 11:42 pm

    go out to dinner on Sunday with your family. Let’s see what happens,

    CNN, Monday:

    “Proving that Americans with knives are three-thousand percent deadlier than so called ‘jihadists’, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced this monrning…”

  11. Two things.

    1) The guy who runs the #EmptySeatPics twitter account is a leftist who openly hates the people who link to him.

    2) Vis a vis the NFL, as the great Les Grossman once said, “you shit the money bed my friend.”

  12. and to double down on stupid, rumor has it that the Texans are considering hiring Kapernek. First I’ll burn all my Texans gear on the front lawn, I’ll never go to another game at reliant and I’ll watch Simpsons reruns instead of any NFL game for the rest of my life. Enough stupidity.

  13. Buddy of mine has always been a big Bears fan. He sent me a text yesterday that he’s going to smoke some shoulders this Sunday for the Bears/Packers game. I quit the NFL, but I didn’t quit my friends. So I’ll be there Sunday to see my friends, drink beer and eat pork. I think I’ll survive the game in the background.

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