NFL Ordered to Pay Nearly $4.8 Billion for Price Fixing Subscription Service – IOTW Report

NFL Ordered to Pay Nearly $4.8 Billion for Price Fixing Subscription Service


A jury in U.S. District Court ordered the NFL to pay nearly $4.8 billion in damages Thursday after ruling that the league violated antitrust laws in distributing out-of-market Sunday afternoon games on a premium subscription service.

The jury awarded $4.7 billion in damages to the residential class and $96 million in damages to the commercial class. Since damages can be tripled under federal antitrust laws, the NFL could end up being liable for $14.39 billion. More

8 Comments on NFL Ordered to Pay Nearly $4.8 Billion for Price Fixing Subscription Service

  1. I don’t know. 6 on one hand, half a dozen on the other.

    NFL sucks, but so do lawyers (of which benefits the most with this ruling…)

    Can they both lose?

  2. I can remember when normal people could afford NFL tickets and if all seats weren’t sold out they didn’t televise it in the local area on broadcast tv. I miss those days and the Cowboys under a respectable coach and players. I never even lived in Texas.

  3. With $14 billion you could take your 1,000 closest friends to an NFL game and buy them each two hot dogs, three beers, a cap, and a T-shirt and maybe…MAYBE…have some change left over. But they’d have to pay for their own parking.

  4. “Should the NFL end up paying damages, it could cost each of the 32 teams approximately $449.6 million.”

    If the award stands, they’ll just raise ticket prices to cover the owners taking a financial bath.


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