NFL Super Bowl Winning Player Has Scathing Message For Biden About Murder – IOTW Report

NFL Super Bowl Winning Player Has Scathing Message For Biden About Murder


8 Comments on NFL Super Bowl Winning Player Has Scathing Message For Biden About Murder

  1. The dumfuk in the White House can’t even read a teleprompter with 1 foot font! Ya really think he’s gonna read a letter??? Unless money falls out of the envelope when it’s opened, some cross-dressing, Bud Light drinking asshole gopher is just gonna throw it out!

  2. Mr. Butker is absolutely 100% right, abortion is a great atrocity and joey is 100% absolutely wrong. Good for Butker to stand up and call out joey in a public manner like this. Joey deserves nothing but contempt and scorn. FJB and may God bless Mr. Butker.

  3. Someone please explain to me — this is a serious question — why you care if other people want to kill their offspring at a time early enough such that that fetus can neither feel pain nor fear for its own life?

  4. @janitor

    You’re not likely to feel pain or fear if someone shoots you in the head while you are sleeping.

    Still don’t think that makes it OK.

    A human is a human no matter how small he/she is.


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