NFL Tampered with Draft Process, Bribed Rams to Draft Michael Sam – IOTW Report

NFL Tampered with Draft Process, Bribed Rams to Draft Michael Sam

michael sam nfl

NB: Details of the worst kept secret in the National Football League have finally been released: that the NFL secretly lobbied teams to draft Michael Sam. Yet, until now, no one knew the Ram’s pay-off. What did the NFL offer the Rams to entice them into drafting a pass rusher onto a team already overloaded with pass rushers?

Well, thanks to longtime NFL reporter/analyst Howard Balzer of The Sports Xchange, we now have an answer to that question:

9 Comments on NFL Tampered with Draft Process, Bribed Rams to Draft Michael Sam

  1. regarding the new law proposed in Georgia.

    I read it today. If you can believe it, Georgia has written a law defending freedom of religion. The Bill of Rights just isn’t enough these days with queers and other deviants putting people out of business, getting them fired, taking them to court, taking over the Supreme Court and every court in between, for practicing their religion.

    The law will protect churches, assemblies, ordained ministers, priests, Christians, Jews from being sued for refusing to perform gay weddings or being forced to rent their premises to events that go against their religion.

    The Bill of Rights isn’t enough to protect freedom of religion anymore.

    What country is this?

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