NFL teams are playing games in half full stadiums – IOTW Report

NFL teams are playing games in half full stadiums

I even spun it positively for them- half full. Face it, these stadiums are half empty.

The fans can’t all be in the bathroom while these pictures were taken.

Here are more pics from around the NFL (Not For Long).



45 Comments on NFL teams are playing games in half full stadiums

  1. Actually, I’m surprised that liberals aren’t filling the void. This is a perfect opportunity for Soros to fill the stands with stupid leftwing slogans and Che T shirts. I guess the moms won’t drive the SJWs to the stadium.

  2. this has got to be killing owner’s revenues. they depend heavily on concession/parking $$$ …..
    in the long run, it’s gonna effect player salaries …. good move Goodell, good move Player’s Union …. great move American fans!

  3. When even sports idiots bail it’s a turning point. Hence the vilest of vile attacks on General Kelly and vocal disgust of average folks at the Red attack. America has had enough.

  4. I’d like to know what the financial implications are. I suspect most of those empty seats amy have already been paid for either through season tickets of an earlier buy. The concessions at the stadium are probably getting killed and I wonder whether the broadcast contracts have anything in there about ratings. The money is the only thing that will force changes or more precisely the players acting like responsible adults. If the incomes are slashed then the days of the big contracts are gone and the players agents know this if those half-wits don’t.

  5. “I still agree with the NFL’s position on not forcing players to stand. I don’t believe in force whatsoever in a free nation.”


    This isn’t a case of free will vs. oppression, which I would agree with you wholly. This is about employer/employee contracts
    which state that they must stand and respect the anthem, etc. Those multi-million dollar contracts don’t come without a cost.

  6. @bman ~ so… you would, of course, agree w/ players not wearing bits of garments that they didn’t want to wear … or chose to wear …
    … after all, we’re in a ‘free nation’, aren’t we?

  7. Bman

    I had a Mexican employee once that decided to picket in front of my place of business about 8 years ago in the big Hispanic show of Unity/Solidarity. I fired him. I actually like the guy. But business is business and there’s no room for this shit in business. If these idiots want to protest they should do it off the clock.

  8. The football stadium is not the correct venue tp express individualism. If you want to display you are a moron, do it on ypour own time. The Owners are yoo limp wristed to enforce a contract. If you don’t stand for the anthem, you can play the game for free, no salary will be paid.

  9. “The Owners”, regardless of their true age, are coming across like a bunch of fresh out of college social justice warriors. “Oh, we’re hip to the jive! We be cool!”

    Yeah, makes me want to rent Airplane! again to decipher their intent.

  10. forgot my rant. If or since the nfl is going down, which teams are the first to fold? The expansion Jags? Texans? When do the Raiders and Chargers fold? Who is first to collapse?

  11. Let’s hear a few fans that go to a game shout this, and see what happens:


    Think that will get their attention?

  12. All those college scholarships and not one NFL BLM type is capable of connecting the dots. Every chance they get they double down on failure. If this keeps up, they’re going to lose their 7 figure salaries and houses. Spendy cars and white wives will disappear. They’ll all have to car pool to the next game.

  13. ““I still agree with the NFL’s position on not forcing players to stand. I don’t believe in force whatsoever in a free nation.”
    This isn’t a case of free will vs. oppression, which I would agree with you wholly. This is about employer/employee contracts…”

    This is a free nation (as long as we can keep it) and all should be free to express their opinion. The NFL’s problem is that the spoiled, selfish, oblivious fools that they employ DID express their opinion, loud and clear, and the damage has been done.
    A real apology, a catastrophic amount of suffering, a HUGE act of compensation to American society….? Time will tell if this industry ever recovers.

    Lessons here for us all.

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