NFL Team’s Spanish-Language Broadcaster Loses Job for Supporting Trump – IOTW Report

NFL Team’s Spanish-Language Broadcaster Loses Job for Supporting Trump

HeadlineUSA: The NFL’s Carolina Panthers pushed out one of its Spanish-language broadcasters because of his personal support for President Donald Trumpaccording to the Charlotte Observer.

Luis Moreno Jr., 42, had served with his uncle Jaime Moreno as the play-by-play radio announcer since 2010.

The pair were known internationally for their energetic calls of exciting plays by Panthers players. more

10 Comments on NFL Team’s Spanish-Language Broadcaster Loses Job for Supporting Trump

  1. beachmom
    SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 AT 2:26 PM
    “We are living in the stupidest times ever.”

    …IDK, so far no one’s crucified actual Christ this year like they did once, and the 100 years war that went on so long that no one remembered what they were fighting ABOUT wasn’t too bright, and I bet the PA farmers who got stomped by President Washington for unpaid taxes during the Whiskey Rebellion weren’t crazy about THEIR times, and Rome had that time they burned through FOUR emperors in ONE year, ultimately landing on the guy that utterly destroyed Jerusalem in 72 AD and built the Flavian Amphitheater (better known as the Colosseum) in Rome so they could feed Christians to lions during dinner breaks between gladiator matches, so THAT time seemed pretty dumb, but maybe not as dumb as the Civil War Augustus fought because Mark Antony disrespected his sister with his side piece Cleopatra…

    …point us, humans are ALWAYS stupid, mostly because after we’ve lived long enough to actually KNOW something, we die.

    And the kids ALWAYS refused to listen. ALWAYS.

    Just ask Socrates from c.400 BC…

    “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”

    …see, the devil only knows a few tricks. He is not creative, and if you live long enough, you get wise to them.

    Which is why he always starts over with the new generation, telling them to shut their ears to us, turn their backs on God, and trust that THEY can do it RIGHT this time by their OWN drive and their OWN wisdom.

    That’s how you get, “Communism will work THIS time!”’s really not that different from “ye shall surely NOT die”, and comes from the same source…

    …and now that I think about it, probably a LOT of Russians would think 1917 was a pretty stupid year too, if they weren’t entirely dead before the end of it…


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