NFL’s First Official Anthem Butt Protestor – IOTW Report

NFL’s First Official Anthem Butt Protestor


With last nights start of the 2017 NFL season, we as a viewing nation were treated to the first millionaire athlete not to rise for the national anthem, Kansas City Chiefs’ cornerback, Marcus Peters. Al Michaels was kind enough to point out from the booth after the anthem who had reminded seated.


Watch the video, courtesy of blacksportsonline Here

43 Comments on NFL’s First Official Anthem Butt Protestor

  1. Other than the blacks who serve or have served in the military, I am left with the conclusion that they hate America as a whole and particularly hate White Americans. It’s rare to find a black person who does not walk around with a king-sized chip on their shoulder.

    Just get the fuck out already – why bother anymore to appease these people? We are tired of their gigantic complaining, especially from pampered athletes and entertainers.

  2. 1. TEAM ACTIVITIES. No player can exempt themselves from any activity due to whatever protest they dream up.

    2. You protest outside of work. –and even that can get most people fired. “Oh, I’m going to sit out this finance meeting to protest something that has nothing to do with this company!”

  3. Thr NFL could stop this, so since it does not, it must condone it. The only reason I would watch even part of an NFL game is to see which companies advertise, so I can try to avoid doing business with them.

  4. They wake up every morning thinking. I am Black. I am oppressed. They are weak minded fools. Their betters…. Those among them who work to define for themselves WHO THEY ARE in the world, succeed in society. AND Not as part of a freak show like many of these privileged “athletes”! And these successful members of society that are actual contributors are derided, by such as these, as Uncle Toms.

  5. I thought about turning the game on last night, just to see a few plays and see that old familiar game I played in my youth.

    But then I thought about these types of idiots sitting down for the National Anthem, the Rams and their “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” during player introductions, the anti-American, anti-cop, anti-white Super Bowl half time show and the list continues.

    Needless to say, the NFL is no longer part of my (or my children and their families) life.

  6. His actions, proof again that mediocre athletic ability to run, knock down a pass or tackle has nothing to do with respect, honor, integrity, intelligence or courtesy.

    Peters has earned his 15 minutes of shame and it bled over to Kansas City and the NFL. Worthless shit pickle.

  7. There are going to be a lot more anthem butt warriors on Sunday. Of particular note, Cleveland and Seattle have a number of players that have already or are expected to sit during the national anthem.

  8. I do not watch ANY professional sports for a lot of reasons, but this is beyond the pale. Now I will boycott the advertisers for their tacit support of this unpatriotic crap.

    Sorry to Tim Tebow and the other few real Americans with integrity that play these games.

  9. It used to be that American football was played as a team sport to a degree unmatched by other sports.
    Now it’s down at the level of soccer and NBA basketball (Thugball™) and not worthy of allowing the youth to observe.

  10. I would just like to point out that he’s playing for The Chiefs. As in, the poor victimized Native Americans.

    Imagine if Squanto to played for the Pittsburgh Pavement Apes. Very hypocritical.

    Nobody ever solved anything by just sitting around.

  11. I actually like that Al Michaels pointed out the America-hating shitweasels in the NFL. It lets us know whom to boycott and tell their sponsors why you are boycotting their overpriced shit.

  12. Well with the head injury lawsuits resulting in snowflakes being held from football and dbags that hate America it looks like their goose is cooked. Works for me. I never watched it much anyway.

  13. It ought to be that if you don’t stand, you don’t play. Would you reward a student/child throwing a tantrum and ruining the game for all of the other kids? I don’t believe so. And these are grown ass adult men, who make millions every year.

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