Nice Editorialization Mr. Cameraman – IOTW Report

Nice Editorialization Mr. Cameraman

Sean Spicer wanted to do a briefing on Syria off camera, just for radio. So the cameraman, instead of turning the camera off, focused on a container of cheese balls.

Well done, Mr. Bias Cameraman.

Had this been done to Obama I would have given you an Emmy. But, of course, this would never have been done to Obama.

12 Comments on Nice Editorialization Mr. Cameraman

  1. The cameraman loses his WH credentialing. Simple enough and when the other journalist mice rise up and complain simply say that the request (polite speak for an order) had been to turn off cameras and this fellow chose not to honor the request but to give in to his creative juices. Next question?

  2. Agreed, ban the cameraman. Revoke his WH credentials.

    Time to stop giving CNN endless forgiveness.
    Just pull their WH credentials completely.

    Viewers will turn elsewhere. Advertisers will dry up.
    Let CNN die.
    Or reinvent itself as a home shopping channel. Cubic zirconia and quack impotence remedies.
    “THIS…is CNN”

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