Nice Hand Off – IOTW Report

Nice Hand Off

19 Comments on Nice Hand Off

  1. My sons & I were at that 15 – 4 shellacking the Pirates took against the Philthies LAST Sunday. Had we gotten a ball in OUR section, we’d of thrown it BACK.

    Mainly because, we couldn’t have hit the owners box and done any REAL damage from where WE were sitting, anyways… 😑

  2. The opposite happened to my son and a friend at a Spokane chiefs hockey game years ago. A puck had been slammed over the glass screen and my son his friend were trying to get at it when some asshole siting behind us spilled his beer all over the place to grab the puck away from them. What a jerk, he was booed for that and he should’ve been ejected from the game by the ushers.

  3. TheMule AUGUST 9, 2021 AT 10:11 AM
    “Contrast this video with the middle aged bitch who stole a foul ball right out of a little girl’s hands and then did a celebratory dance about it.”

    TRF AUGUST 9, 2021 AT 11:02 AM
    “^^^ Bring that video back and put it side-by-side with this one so that she can be ridiculed and shown what real decorum is!”

    …here ya go, here’s how Democrat Karens do it…


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