Nice Home Sticker – IOTW Report

Nice Home Sticker

ht/ h.d.

11 Comments on Nice Home Sticker

  1. Here on the island of thieves, we have nothing external
    to bring attention to anything we have.
    They just love to rove neighborhoods and eyeball shop,
    then come back when they think nobody is home.
    We’ve also had them pose during he day as church peeps,
    government water workers, and even census workers. The wife
    won’t even answer a door unless I set something up.

    But, that’s what having an island of meth heads does for you.

  2. ^agree with marooned^ while we may all agree with the sentiment putting such a sticker on your car or home could cost you big time if G~d forbid you have to shoot some didendunuttin, as his lair will claim it was a sign of premeditation waiting to happen.

  3. Yeah, not a good idea to advertise what could be stolen.

    I have one in the back that says “What part of NO TRESPASSING Don’t you understand?’

    With a wireless deer camera right above it.

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