Nice-Style Terror Attack in Berlin – IOTW Report

Nice-Style Terror Attack in Berlin

Truck PLOWS into crowded CHRISTMAS Market in Berlin, 9 DEAD, 50 INJURED IN TERROR ATTACK


28 Comments on Nice-Style Terror Attack in Berlin

  1. Even Fox reports “the truck”, “the truck”, repeatedly. Like it was some kind of robotic, autonomous vehicle. Look like the Religion of Pieces is trying to run up the body count before the clock runs out on January 20th…

  2. You know what’s coming next, don’t you – truck control!

    And here I was, thinking that next year I could get a new Peterbilt.

    I need to ask my urologist if he could hurry things up a bit…


  3. What a terrible, heartbreaking thing to happen to these people and their families. To be killed or injured in this way is beyond words. For another human being to kill and injure others is sick and twisted. The so-called ‘leaders’ of these countries, including our own, literally have the blood of these innocents on their hands. Trump and his appointees MUST make good on their promise to rid us of these sick, evil people.

  4. Why aren’t the German people rising up and protesting? Are the vast majority happy to have immigration in the name of democracy? I’m done with feeling bad for the German people who let this continue. The fruits of a liberal agenda–self-genocide. It’ll happen again and again, and the people will just eat it. Done. Don’t care.

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