Nice Try Losers – IOTW Report

Nice Try Losers

22 Comments on Nice Try Losers

  1. DJT’s n a roll tonight. His latest.

    “Donald Trump: ‘I’m Doing the Military a Great Favor’ with Transgender Ban”

    I can hear liberal heads exploding from my back porch.

  2. Good job President Trump! You are the man! I too thought the rooster looked pretty cool, confident, and ready to kick butt! I would allow that bad boy to float around the WH for several months and keep laughing at the morons who thought this was going to hurt the Big T. “Nice try losers.” This is why I friggin love this guy!

  3. “The company that owns the mall had commissioned the piece, said Cao Mingliang, deputy director of the planning department from the N1 ArtWalk Mall” 12/29/2016

    Its a tribute, not a slam! If I were ricjh…

    “At least four stores are even offering replicas of the giant rooster. They vary in price, starting as low as $57 and climbing as high as $1,739 for those seeking a 32-foot figure”

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