Nice Work, If You Can Get It – IOTW Report

Nice Work, If You Can Get It

The author of “White Fragility,” Robin DiAngelo, was recently hired by UW-Madison to host a viral seminar titled “The Pandemic Effect: Exposing Racism and Inequalities.” That’s all par for the course for ultra liberal University of Wisconsin.

What’s truly mind blowing was how much her fee breaks down to if you convert it in to per hour wages. Here

12 Comments on Nice Work, If You Can Get It

  1. FTA: …the world is mired in systemic discrimination, such as sexism and ableism. Of course the white people tuning in wouldn’t understand, the charlatan asserted.

    “If you are white and you have not devoted years of sustained study, struggle and focus on this issue, you will have opinions that will be uninformed and superficial…”

    Well my-oh-my and la-dee-da. These sessions do far more harm than good and “critical theory” of any kind is nothing more than propaganda geared toward dismantling our society and culture in order to replace it with some vile, godless power structure, i.e. Communism. It’s sickening that these frauds are paid so well to spew their poison.

  2. That ugly communist knew that based on her looks she could never make it in prostitution so she parlayed her outright hate for America into a capitalistic cash making franchise !

  3. All tax money, from every level of government, needs to be pulled out of the universities and they should be required to be self sufficient (while paying copious amounts of rent for any of the public facilities they use)!

  4. I was in Books a Million a couple of hours ago and saw that silly book in the best seller shelves. And thought, good grief. As misguided as I think Robin DiAngelo is the people who scheduled her to host a seminar, and paid her to appear are even more misguided, and will be even more misguided after attending her presentation.

    It’s the same with stupid politicians, they are indeed a big problem, but the larger number of people that vote them into office are a much bigger problem because they will vote in another idiot if and when a replacement is needed.

  5. @ blink, as I always say, when people get incensed about what the NYT publishes, or the boobs on CNN bloviate about, it’s not so much what they’re saying that is the issue, it’s that there are people who will believe them.


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