Nicolas Maduro and Jeb “Please Clap” Bush remind us why we voted for Trump – IOTW Report

Nicolas Maduro and Jeb “Please Clap” Bush remind us why we voted for Trump

American Thinker: 

Do Jeb Bush and Nicolas Maduro have something in common?  Why, yes.  Both serve to remind us why we voted for Donald Trump.

Apparently still seething over the crown he believed was rightfully his, the former Florida governor sniped at Trump from the sidelines of a hedge fund conference, with an “I told you so” directed at the president:

“When I ran for office, I said he is a chaos candidate and would be a chaos president,” Bush said on Friday.

“Unfortunately, so far chaos organizes the presidency right now,” he said, speaking at the annual SALT hedge fund conference, which is headlined by bigwigs from the world of politics, finance, sports and entertainment.

Bush said it appears the Trump administration is “living in the tyranny of the moment” instead of “executing on a clear agenda.”


Please Clap


His shots at Trump follow those from Caracas, with the Venezuela’s dictator, Nicolas Maduro, as follows:

“Enough meddling … Go home, Donald Trump. Get out of Venezuela,” Maduro yelled in a televised speech. “Get your dirty hands out of here.”

His regime, for good measure, added the finest in Ayers-speak, characteristic of the current state of U.S. academia:

“The extreme positions of a government just starting off only confirmed the discriminatory, racist, xenophobic and genocidal nature of U.S. elites against humanity and its own people, which has now been heightened by this new administration which asserts white Anglo-Saxon supremacy,” the Venezuelan government said in a statement.

So now, in addition to the five groups identified by Fox News host Sean Hannity as being opposed to Trump – the press, Democrats, the Deep State, #NeverTrumps, and establishment Republicans, we can add these two – failed presidential rivals and rabid left-wing dictators.

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17 Comments on Nicolas Maduro and Jeb “Please Clap” Bush remind us why we voted for Trump

  1. I’m still pro-Trump. Just wondering when he’s going to put his testicles on and tell congress to fund the wall. People didn’t hold up signs at his rallies saying “Water down Obamacare”. They DID hold up signs saying “Build the Wall”.

  2. Was’nt that cute Jeb ! Sounds like youv’e been hanging with Mommy.
    Your’e very popular in Latin speaking Countries ! Get Citizenship and make yourself at Home there.

  3. It’s Trump’s agenda, what he faces are failed RINO leadership in the House and Senate, as well as, progressive/socialist obstructionist democrat party.

    Both entities are focused on retaining or capturing the majority in both houses.

    It boils down to individual members placing their own goal of keeping their fat ass in the seat at the expense of the nation.
    Through failed leadership and self preservation they have determined not to do anything constructive and wait to see what 2018 brings.

    So lyin’ Ryan and McCONnel will squander the opportunities of 2016 and 2017 to push President Trumps agenda.

    Oh imagine what could be done with bold leadership concentrating on what is best for the nation without consideration of self preservation and maintaining the swamp.

  4. Chubby little mommy’s boy, go home and wipe your snot-nose on her apron!

    As for Maduro, I don’t think PDJT has quite arrived there yet–not on his planned itinerary, stupido!

  5. If Jeb! thinks we’re all having an “if only we chose Jeb! instead of Mr. Trump things would be so much better” moment he is just delusional. More delusional than when he was actually running.

  6. PDJT is having a harder time than any other president thanks to Please Clap, his brother, his father and another former president and an array of 5th columnists and black shirted Hitler youth.

  7. “Apparently still seething over the crown he believed was rightfully his…”

    LOL Even Yeb!, the stupid yutz, was anticipating a Hitlery preznitcy. That why he kept his nose so close to her fat ass.

  8. A Hurricane is sweping the Country JEB ,and your’e part of History now.
    I hear Big pine key needs a mayor, You can relax there and possibly even be Relevant !.

  9. Geoff C. had an excellent suggestion: Send Timeh Kaine down to Venezuela on a fact-finding mission. Let Timeh deputize Sean Penn, et al the other Che-loving dopes in CA to accompany him, and include the entire Seattle City council.

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