Nigel Farage causes controversy describing Barack Obama as a ‘loathsome creature’ – IOTW Report

Nigel Farage causes controversy describing Barack Obama as a ‘loathsome creature’

TelegraphUK: Nigel Farage has described Barack Obama as a “creature” and joked about warning Donald Trump not to “touch” Theresa May.

The interim Ukip leader said the current US President was a “loathsome individual who couldn’t stand our country.”

Mr Farage also suggested he could act as a middle man between the next Republican President and the British Prime Minister, as he called on Mr Trump to try and “schmooze” her.


25 Comments on Nigel Farage causes controversy describing Barack Obama as a ‘loathsome creature’

  1. I will never forget that one of the first things that Ozero did as president was to send back the bust of Winston Churchill. What a slap in the fact to the Brits!

    OZero is not fit to even lick Winston’s shoes. Farage is spot-on in his description of the creature.

  2. Well, turning the US into a country that persecutes about half of its citizens does make him loathsome. Among the other things he has done to harm the US, and therefore the world, this stifling of dissent should bother US the most.

  3. In non-globalist, anti New World Order/ UN controlled countries, Obolo is not as highly esteemed as he is IN HIS OWN MIND. Same applies to George Soros and Hillary/Billy Jeff Clinton. They form a very elitist and SMALL mutual admiration society, despised by the rest of the World.

  4. When they return the Bust of Churchill, they should return the crap Obama gave the queen in 2009 and send it in a garbage bag directly to Obama.

    (It was an I pod pre-loaded with photos from President Obama’s inauguration and audio files of the president’s speech as a senator to the 2004 Democratic National Convention and his 2009 inauguration address)

  5. His remarks are only “controversial” if you insist on ‘political correctness’–iow, talking crap.

    He is certainly entitled to his OPINION which is absolutely welcomed because it is shared by all individuals with eyes and a brain.

  6. If you’re white, you’re racist. Live with it and laugh at it. It will soon become meaningless. I remember vacationing in Ireland years ago and noticed that everyone was using the word “brilliant” for everything. A guy scores a goal: “brilliant.” A guy catches a salmon: “brilliant.” A guy buys a pair of shoes: “brilliant.” A guy hits the green 100 yards from the fairway: “brilliant shot.”
    Gimmeafookenbreak. You’re a racist: “brilliant.” Now GFY!

  7. Go to the link, and look at the story in the right hand column: Trump should apologize for “all the violence being committed by his supporters” in the wake of his victory! Are these guys on crack?

  8. I think that description will stick with Obozo, it certainly fits. The punk spent eight years serving up sh@t sandwiches to the suffering public. Even with the grossly distorted ego he has its got to occur to him he’s a abysmal failure. Well, maybe not.

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