Nigeria: jails backlogged with prisoners in lengthy wait of sharia stonings and amputations – IOTW Report

Nigeria: jails backlogged with prisoners in lengthy wait of sharia stonings and amputations

Jihad Watch: In a prison in a village in Nigeria, “the condemned convicts we have are mostly coming from Sharia Courts. These and other related cases like amputation of hand or leg have been in jail for over 10 years without knowing their fate. Their hands are not cut off, their legs are not cut off, they don’t know their fate.”

The thought of not knowing for years on what day ones amputation or stoning might happen is a harsh punishment in itself.  The barbaric sentences handed down by sharia courts is what so-called human rights organizations need to be condemning in the strongest possible terms; but Western organizations are afraid to address barbaric practices in Islam for fear of being called “racist” and “Islamophobic”.  more here

8 Comments on Nigeria: jails backlogged with prisoners in lengthy wait of sharia stonings and amputations

  1. I thought the muzzies were much quicker in meting out their slayings! This particular place must simply be filled with lazy cork smokers.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. @DRG: Neutron bombs won’t work. They generate an EMP that causes havoc with modern, computer-driven stuff. It won’t affect the savages who are living in backward conditions, they have nothing to ruin.


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