Nigerians Make Trash Fashionable – IOTW Report

Nigerians Make Trash Fashionable

cbs 21

Teenage climate activists in Nigeria’s largest city are recycling trash into runway outfits for a “Trashion Show.”

Chinedu Mogbo, founder of Greenfingers Wildlife Initiative, a conservation group working with the activists, said the show was designed to raise awareness about environmental pollution. More

13 Comments on Nigerians Make Trash Fashionable

  1. Wild Bill,
    I’d like to compare that Nigerian smell to the ones that his my nostrils as soon as I stopped off the plane in Seoul Korea (1985). Talk about curling your nose hairs to a crisp. The smell of fecal (human AND animal) fertilizer in the streets and fertilizing the rice paddies is not to be described.

  2. I thought all the Nigerians had snuck into this county! Those now living in Nigeria must be Somalian’s that couldn’t tell how to read a compass and made a wrong turn on their way here and ended up there instead and can’t afford to leave!


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