NIH Director Francis Collins to resign during PANDEMIC – IOTW Report

NIH Director Francis Collins to resign during PANDEMIC


His departure had been in the works for some time, one person familiar said. Officials from NIH, the Department of Health and Human Services and the White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Collins has been on the front lines urging Americans to wear masks and get vaccinated. While Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert and President JoeBiden’s chief medical adviser, became the most visible advocate for the administration’s vaccination efforts, the Biden administration has increasingly put Collins on network shows to urge vaccinations and defend the booster strategy.

“This is the way it ought to be,” Collins said about the Food and Drug Administration’s decision late last month to limit boosters to certain vulnerable populations for now, despite the Biden administration’s pledge that boosters would launch broadly by Sept. 20. “Science sort of playing out in a very transparent way, looking at the data coming from multiple places, our country, other countries, and trying to make the best decision for right now,” he said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

Eric Topol, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, hailed Collins’ contributions to biomedical science, writing on Twitter, “I am saddened to see him stepping down, want to express the deepest appreciation for decades of leadership.”


10 Comments on NIH Director Francis Collins to resign during PANDEMIC

  1. “Collins has been on the front lines urging Americans to wear masks and get vaccinated.”

    Bullshit, Politico. Never heard of the guy before today. All we ever see is the scenery-chewing goblin, and that’s the guy who should have been gone already.

    And it seems that Collins wasn’t a big fan of jabbing everybody with boosters immediately. Not saying the guy was a saint, but maybe he has a conscience, and the Biden regime could not abide that.

  2. JP, Politico wants to help usher him out the door quietly, without mentioning bad things. He’s become a problem in a sensitive situation, and he could blow a big whistle or turn state’s evidence if it ever comes to that.

  3. He’s complicated. Probably much smarter than savvy. I’d like to think he was unaware of Fauci’s work and power when this pandemic started and that he has been horrified to discover what was going on at NIH since long before he got there. If so, I expect him to speak out in his retirement against the current terror and control being imposed on the population.

    Why I give him some benefit of the doubt:

    Let’s watch and see how strong that faith is.


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