Nike Hires Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney To Model Sports Bras – IOTW Report

Nike Hires Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney To Model Sports Bras

He needs medication and therapy. Lots of therapy.

53 Comments on Nike Hires Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney To Model Sports Bras

  1. Another reason to boycott NIKE as well as Colin Kapperdink. What are these morons thinking? This freak is not, nor will he/she/it ever become a woman no matter how hard they try to make him out to be a fake woman. Show me a chick with a dick and I’ll show you a man even if they cut his dick off, he still has XY chromosomes.

  2. So now not only do we normalize mental illness, we reward it.
    I’m getting so tired of this BS. Every commercial on TV is either a black or a gay or both.
    When did the minorities in this country take over?

  3. The best way to deal with this is to ignore it as completely as is possible.
    They’re just f**cking with us to get a reaction that they can use to perpetuate their anti-right propaganda.

    My response is, Dylan? Dylan who? Never heard of him.

  4. Dylan Mulvaney and Colin Kaepernick have made $Millions for being poster child for the Left and the NWO.
    Anything that is Anti-American or Anti-Christian is promoted as a good thing. Faggots, Queers, Homos, and Lesbians, have been promoted by Hollywood for 30 years. Their just hoping they can get you to accept Pedophilia, so they can corrupt and exploit children at will.

  5. I can’t see this really hurting Nike, as it would Anheuser-Busch. Nike’s market is full of rappers, male celebs, athletes and wannabes. Most of them now are young enough to have been brainwashed into accepting this bullshit behavior. In fact, many probably won’t care because the aforementioned buy shoes and apparel not sports bras.

  6. I have my entertainment with faggots for the day. I have found that if I humor them, tell them they’re normal and there’s nothing wrong with them, they get pissed. Market in town has one of them as a cashier. He kept referring to his appearance to me. I asked him what was wrong with his appearance. He said “look at me, I’m different.” I told him there was nothing wrong with him that he looked like most people his age (20+). There’s nothing different about you, you are normal. He was not happy with me not recognizing him as a faggot. So, tell them they’re normal and you disarm them. Works every time. I also told him “if you think your abnormal, then you are.” 🙂

  7. This guy is making MILLION$$$. He has acknowledged having major emotional problems – but I could see him gutting it out and a couple of years from now he can do whatever he wants, buy whatever he wants.
    Meanwhile, of course, these companies lose money and in general we sink further into the slime.

  8. Jason at 10:55 am

    Now they’re getting together and just rubbing our noses in it.

    Only if you buy the product. See how that worked out for Victoria Secret? Only thing I see is Nike exploiting them. Beauty is, don’t buy the product.

  9. Imagine all the shit we see on an hourly basis that we never would have heard about if not for the Internet. It both educates and indoctrinates.

    It’s a double-edged sword kids.

    Why, if I had one penny for every minute I’ve spent on the Internet, well, I could afford faster Internet!

  10. Those emotional problems ultimately leads to suicide. Either suicide by cop, or self-inflicted. Either way, they eliminate themselves from the public’s scrutiny. Tell them they’re normal, that sends over the top.

  11. They are straight up Satanists. Some people what to recognize the followers of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement as atheistic. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact of the matter, and easily confirmed in Marx’s own writings is that they deeply believe in God, they believe that they are better than God and have the ability to create paradise here on earth.

    Envy motivates them and the resentment that naturally results from accepting that envy is not the cardinal sin Christians recognize it as but is in fact a cardinal virtue leads them to believe that God himself is occupying the place in the grand scheme of things that rightfully is theirs, but have been cheated out of.

  12. Eventually it will dawn on this thing that it is being cynically used like a dildo by these communist destroyers, and it will off itself.

    More blood on their satanic hands.

  13. I’m sorry but these are not sound business decisions! There is no way they go down this path knowing that this pandering to such a small percentage will result in much larger hit in revenue.
    Therefore it begs the question:
    Who’s compensating them?
    It wouldn’t surprise me one bit to find out that our government is turning this into a profitable experiment thru their many money laundering techniques that our tax dollars are being used to push this Leftist agenda! After all, nothing gets in their way of pushing an agenda!

  14. @UrGirlfriend:

    All you guys just want a peice [sic] of this. Secret closet admirers, thats [sic] why you just love talkin [sic] bout [sic] & fantasizing having sex with em [sic].

    Keep trying, noob. Eventually you might get it right, but as of now it isn’t at all clear you have what it takes.

    This guy is completely manic too.
    He is going to crash and burn.
    Never mind that Satan will dump him as soon as Mulvaney loses usefulness.

    Jack Daniels is caving to the Alphabet Mafia too.

  16. crazy dude’s getting a whole lotta attention and freebies
    at least dylan will have lots of money to drown his sorrows when his 15 minutes are up and has to go back to his old life

  17. “Soon-To-Be-Bankrupt Athletic Wear Company Hires Man Pretending to Be a Woman to Model the One Product He Has No Use For”

    It’s not a pithy headline, but it’s 100% accurate.

  18. Correct me if I’m wrong but 10 15 years ago weren’t these freaks referred to as Fem Boys. And even the Gay community hated them. And now they’re the preferred representatives for major corps? I don’t get it. These morons really don’t understand their market.

  19. Anyone have a guess as to how many straight men and women in the world would buy a sports bra advertised by the faggot. I’m going to guess and say maybe 0.01% of the population. That’s not sustainable for a company like Nike. What happened to Victoria Secret after hiring a lesbian with purple hair?

    The Victoria’s Secret fashion show was one of the biggest events of the year. But the over-sexualized ads and flashy runway shows lost their sparkle as women began to seek more body-positive brands.Mar 6, 2023

    The bra the Nike faggot is wearing doesn’t appeal to women either. How about you males, does it float your boat?

  20. Oh, that “boi” needs therapy and medication all right.
    But at what weight and speed, wellllll…….I’ll be discreet about discussing that.

  21. I feel about this cultural appropriation the way I suspect people of color feel about people performing in blackface. It is a superficial caricature offered for the amusement of an audience with no connection to or understanding of real members of the demographic it parodies. It reinforces stereotypes about women or blacks, whose ‘lived experience’ it rips off while financially benefitting only men or whites.

  22. Perfect.

    A Tit Less, Dick Less, Ball Less, Beer Drinking, Underage Teen Girl Appropriating Imbecile.

    Just as the Michael Jordan Movie came out.
    He must be just thrilled

  23. These morons really don’t understand their market.

    I think it starts making all kinds of sense when you put it in the perspective that this is a well organized, well funded effort to destroy the United States. This administration does the bidding of China and gets well paid to do so!

  24. @URGirlfriend

    UR a nasty little bugger. While it’s difficult to ignore the perversion all around us, God protects us from it.

    Once you have given in to Satan’s call, you might as well be dead.

  25. TRF

    That makes sense. I hate to think we’ve been infiltrated that far, but who knows. I can see Nike, Adidas, etc. ask how high on the way up when China tells them to jump. Nobody buys their shit here anymore. I’m in the gym 6 days a week and while I don’t pay a lot of attention to what brand people are wearing I never see that Nike swoosh any more. Or anything Adidas. Under Armor is still popular. It’ll be interesting to see if they pull this shit. Anyway my point is has Nike lost so much market share that they’re trying something out of desperation? I can tell you no women or men wear that shit Fem Boy was wearing ever, in my gym.
    Now Anheuser-Busch is another story. I’m reading today some super markets are pulling their shit off the shelves. Could be interesting.


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