Nikki Haley Announces 2024 Run – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley Announces 2024 Run

31 Comments on Nikki Haley Announces 2024 Run

  1. Look at the positives. woman. of color. gov experience. approved by GOP politburo. creates cog dissonance in dems.not a lightning rod.

    better as vp pick to counter Kamala or Michelle

  2. The eRepublican version of Kamala. Clip was 3:33 too long. Just so ya know sweetie I had train tracks where I grew up as well. When I wanted to go to the other side I just walked across them. Was that your “I was that little girl on the bus” moment, if so it shows what a shallow person you are.

  3. Her ad uses the now popular never Trump camp line of needing a “new generation” to run things.
    She said she wouldn’t run in ’24 if Trump runs.
    So right from the start we know she’s a liar.

  4. People (political commentators) keep talking about how deep the GOP bench is. And I suppose that’s true. However I still have yet to see just how America First any of them are. Especially compared to Trump. Also, it’s going to be interesting to see who he chooses to chew up and spit out before moving on.

    So let the games begin.

  5. Still hearing rumbles of the Dims putting up Adolph Whitmer.
    I guess Dominion gets to vote for me again, ‘cuz there is no way I would vote for either one of those two beotches.

  6. At the end of the cycle it will be down to Trump and Mike Pompeo. I will listen to Pompeo but he’s going to need to do a lot of talking to convince me he’s not a swamp critter.

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