Nikki Haley calls for cognitive test for older politicians – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley calls for cognitive test for older politicians


Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley suggested in an interview on Thursday that leaders in the government who are of an advanced age should undergo a “cognitive test.”

The Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody questioned Haley about her thoughts on the mental health of 78-year-old President Biden, the oldest man to hold the office, asking if she had any concerns.

“Well what I’ll tell you is, rather than making this about a person, we seriously need to have a conversation that if you’re gonna have anyone above a certain age in a position of power โ€” whether it’s the House, whether it’s the Senate, whether it’s vice president, whether it’s president โ€” you should have some sort of cognitive test,” Haley said, comparing it to how lawmakers disclose their tax returns.

“And right now, let’s face it, we’ve got a lot of people in leadership positions that are old. And that’s not being disrespectful. That’s a fact,” Haley, 49, added. “And when it comes to that, this shouldn’t be partisan. We should seriously be looking at the ages of the people that are running our country and understand if that’s what we want.”

20 Comments on Nikki Haley calls for cognitive test for older politicians

  1. โ€œcognitive testโ€

    How about a “Constitution test?”

    And a “morals test?”

    If you pass those two, your ‘cognition’ is probably okay.

    And we could administer those regardless of age – with a lie detector hooked up! Wonder how many people THAT would eliminate?

  2. She’s right and I’m certain that a whole bunch of politician’s that enter office as paupers and leave as multi-millionaires will be making this happen a priority. /s

    Maybe right after they vote themselves the next raise.

  3. We’re a Republic – a “representative democracy.”
    We can elect any moron we choose: young, old, stupid, insane, rational, smart, corrupt, honorable, dis-honorable, cowardly, heroic, passive, active, morally challenged, cognitively challenged, pervert, liar, thief, murderer, religious, irreligious, Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, male, female, sexually confused, and any combinations and variants, thereof.
    Don’t believe me? Take a look at the White Hut, the House, the Senate, and the Supremes! An absolute Rogues’ Gallery of misfits, miscreants, and corruption.
    (and Nikki Hayley’s one of em)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. She must’ve gotten the same impression I did watching a moment of Colon powell’s funeral. ALL the despicables looked like they are a well-worn 90 y/o+.

    Except obozo, he of unknown orientation & birthplace.

  5. People giving the test, would control the results. That’s one more weapon they could use.
    We are at war and the enemy never plays fair. The shooting hasn’t started for the most part, but it always does. They want us dead or enslaved. Get your head in the game Nikki.

  6. Nikki Haley is a backstabbing Deep State RINO. She is not to be trusted. Knowing her, her real target is President Donald Trump.

    IMO, every year all chair-moistening bureaucrats, politicians and military flag officers should be forced to pass the same civics test that immigrants take to become Americans. And force them to swear an oath of allegiance to our Constitution. If they fail any of this they are automatically fired.

    If we’d had that, *Biden’s “you know, the thing” moment would have relegated him to the dung heap of history.

  7. And old bureaucrats who were incompetent in their prime, and who are sadistic frauds in their dotage, yet manage to avoid retirement, firing or jail.

    You know who Iโ€™m talking about.

    Cog Mandates for all government workers over 65.

  8. Mansfield Lovell for-the-win!

    I’m more of a term limits guy: one term, ones choice of branch, exec, legislative, or judicial …then back to private life. No pension. No healthcare (except as provided by the Army while serving ones term). Accommodations provided at the nearest base or post that has room at the barracks, meals supplied by the mess hall, for the duration of ones term. No air fare to travel ‘home’ unless one lives somewhere inaccessible by car …like Hawaii. No private cars; MUST use public transport.

  9. Thirdtwin – I reckon you are referring that quack Fauscist?

    I can think of some senile dementia elected pols too: Peelosi, Hank “Tippy Guam” Johnson, Diane Feinstain, etc

  10. @ General Malaise

    “Wonder how many people THAT would eliminate?”

    Likely not many. Many psychopaths can pass polygraph with no problem.

    @ Odin 2013

    For a long time I’ve advocated for not just term limits but limits for government employment of any type. Fauci alone justifies my reasoning.

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